Doors open again for private prayer

The Cathedral, along with many other churches the length and breadth of our country, opens on Monday (15 June) for private prayer. With the gradual relaxation of lockdown this has to be welcomed and some might say that it should have taken place before now.

An immense amount of work has been going on over a short period of time – we were effectively given a week’s notice that places of worship could open – to enable this to happen and we’re immensely grateful to the Cathedral’s non-furloughed staff who have been working tirelessly to enable this to happen – and important to recognise – will continue to do so to make sure that those who come to the Cathedral are given a warm welcome. There may be some teething problems so please bear with us in the first few days!

The fact that the Cathedral is opening for Prayer is a powerful reminder of its core purpose: a place of prayer and worship, of outreach and mission. (It’s anticipated that the new Cathedrals’ Measure will set this understanding at the centre of the measure, along with maintenance of the fabric).

Needless to say we trust that we shall also be able to enjoy communal worship together; but this may take some time and be, initially at least, in a form different from what we have enjoyed in the past. This has to be a priority.

We face many challenges moving forward – not least spiritual and physical health, financial viability, the use of our wonderful volunteers and so on – but trust that by God’s grace all will be well and that his light will shine amongst the darkness.

One sign of this light shining is the handing over to us this coming week of the Old Deanery Visitors’ Centre. I’m sure many will have seen the gradual transformation from the outside but – having had the privilege of looking at it from the inside – I can assure you that it will provide Lincoln Cathedral with a truly wonderful asset moving forward: able to provide a great welcome to our worshipers and visitors in respect to hospitality, education and community facilities.

We live in challenging times but I trust by God’s grace we look to the future with hope that his light will shine, his kingdom be known on earth as in heaven, and we can join together in prayer and worship.



Worship & Mission

Choral Mattins
Our online worship this Sunday is Choral Mattins, led by the Dean.
The service will be online from 7am and on our Facebook page

Future services
21 June – Holy Communion
President: Dean
Gospeller: Subdean
Intercessions: Muriel Robinson
Homily: Subdean

28 June – Choral Mattins
Officiant: Subdean
Homily: Bishop David

5 July – Holy Communion
President: Subdean
Gospeller: Dean
Intercessions: Subdean
Homily: Dean

12 July – Choral Mattins
Officiant: Dean
Homily: Subdean

The prayer below has been shared by the Association of English Cathedrals as we prepare to open our doors again.


Re-opening details

Opening times
Lincoln Cathedral will open its doors for private prayer at 10am on Monday 15 June 2020.
Following this, the opening times will be:
Sunday 10.30am-3pm
Monday – Closed
Tuesday 10am – 3pm
Wednesday 10am – 3pm
Thursday 10am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 3pm
Saturday 10am – 3pm

The first hour of opening, between 10am and 11am Tuesday to Saturday, is reserved for anyone who identifies as vulnerable. Please respect this and if you do not fall into a category that is considered vulnerable, please visit later in the day.

To help us keep the Cathedral a place that everyone can enjoy in comfort and safety, we ask you to follow this guidance:

  • If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, please do not visit the Cathedral
  • Please follow the one-way system as you make your way around the building
  • Remember to keep your distance from others. Give them space to enjoy the Cathedral in comfort
  • Hand sanitiser stations can be found around the building Please use them to keep your hands clean
  • Try to avoid touching any surfaces. If you do, please clean your hands straight away
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  • Please put used tissues and any other rubbish straight into the bins provided
  • If you can, please use our contactless payment points for your donation rather than cash

Pastoral care
If you would like support, or just a chat with a friendly voice, please do contact either the Subdean or the Dean’s Verger.
John Patrick 07956 566101
John Campbell 07733 276335


Bible Readings

Sunday 14 June
First Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 18: 1-15 [21: 1-7]
Romans 5: 1-8
Matthew 9: 35- 10: 8 [9-23]

Deuteronomy 10:12-11: 1
Acts 23: 12-end

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 21: 1-15
Luke 11: 14-28


Sunday 21 June
Second Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 21: 8-21
Romans 6: 1b-11
Matthew 10: 24-39

Deuteronomy 11: 1-15
Acts 27

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 24: 1-17
Luke 14: 12-24


Sunday 28 June
Third Sunday after Trinity

Genesis 22: 1-14
Romans 6: 12-end
Matthew 10: 40-end

Deuteronomy 15: 1-11
Acts 27: [13-32] 33-end

Evening Prayer
1 Samuel 28: 3-19
Luke 17: 20-end