In our fast moving 21st century world, for many of us life seems to be endlessly busy, even frantic at times. There seems to be so many competing demands on our time that it is difficult to keep up, and the pace of life seems to get more and more hectic. Trying to find space to stop and think, to reflect and pray can seem almost impossible.

On 21 October, we will be holding our first Sacred Space evening. This new initiative is an attempt to offer something which helps address this deficit in so many of our lives.

Sacred Space is a gentle and reflective hour or so with time to wonder and a chance to explore. Through worship, prayer, music and time to wander, there will be time to explore not only the physical space of the Cathedral, but also to use the space and the resources provided to explore our faith in the special place that is the Cathedral after hours.

Join us if you can, and come and spend time some quiet time with God in this extraordinary place.

Leaflets are available to collect from the tables in the choir aisles. Do feel free to pick up a handful and share them with your friends.

P.S. coffee and cake on arrival!

Sal McDougall, Precentor


Spiritual Classics Reading Group: The next meeting is on Saturday 24 November, and we shall be considering, Falling Upward, by the Franciscan, Richard Rohr (SPCK, 2012), on spirituality in the second half of life. The next date is 12th Jan 2019, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life by William Law (1728, some versions adjust the title). Both are available in the Cathedral Shop, though William Law can also be found online. Anyone is welcome to join us; there is no commitment to read every book. Please drop in when a book catches your interest and you have time to read it.

Stillpoint Contemplative Prayer: 45 minutes of guided silent prayer in the Ringers’ Chapel, Lincoln Cathedral, Saturday mornings, 9.30am -10.15am (followed by refreshments, if you wish to join us), 27th October, then 24th November 2018.

Evensong Preachers: 14th October- Dr John Davies, Reader at Lincoln Cathedral,  21st October- Harvest Festival at 3.00pm, The Ven. Mark Steadman, Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey 28th October [Simon and Jude]- The Reverend Ann Mazur.

Micky Philp writes:  All Souls’ Tide is on the way.  If anyone in the Community would like to donate towards white chrysanthemums for this feast, the Flower Team would be most grateful.

LCCA Harvest Supper will be held on Tuesday 16 October in the Chapter House, entertainment by a Ceilidh Band! Tickets are priced at £10 and will be on sale at coffee after the 9.30am service on Sundays or from the Cathedral Shop.

LTS Lecture: ‘The Food of Love? Music and Theology’ Thursday 18th October at 7.00pm for 7.30pm in the Robert Hardy Building at Bishop Grosseteste University, the speaker is the Revd. Richard King, who before he was ordained was principal bassoon in the Halle orchestra, with the help of other musicians, will explore the link between Theology and Music. Not just liturgical music. Tickets are available from the Cathedral Shop, Unicorn Tree Books on the market and at the door and are priced at £5.00.

Lincoln Cathedral Community Association Annual General Meeting will be held in the Cathedral Centre on 5th November 2018 at 7.30pm Tea/Coffee will be available from 7.00pm At the end of the business meeting the Rev. Canon Dr Paul Overend, Chancellor will share with us his thoughts on his first year here at Lincoln Cathedral. Nomination Forms for election of Lay Vice Chair and Committee Members are available from Mrs June Pallister, Secretary LCCA Executive Committee. Completed Nomination Forms should be returned to the Secretary by October 29th 2018.

Handel’s Messiah. Saturday 24 November. 7.00pm in the Nave. The Lincoln Cathedral Choir is returning with their performance of this incredible piece of music, accompanied by the Lincoln Chamber Orchestra. Tickets are priced from £12 per person. For further information please visit

Ceremony of Carols: Saturday 15 December. 2.00pm and 7.00pm performances in the Chapter House. A seasonal favourite as the Cathedral Choir performs Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, with Thea Butterworth as harpist under the direction of Jeffrey Makinson. Performances are at 2.00pm and 7.00pm. Tickets for the 2.00pm performance are £10 adults and £5 for children under 14. Tickets for the 7.00pm performance are £25 and include drinks, canapés and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral. Tickets can be purchased from the Cathedral Shop – 01522 561644. For further information please visit

La Nativité du Seigneur. Sunday 16 December. 5.30pm in the Nave. The annual performance of La Nativité du Seigneur returns on Sunday 16 December 2017 , played on the world renowned Father Willis Organ and performed by Lincoln Cathedral’s own Organist Laureate, Colin Walsh. La Nativité du Seigneur is a Christmas tradition at Lincoln Cathedral and one not to be missed. Tickets are priced at £6 per person.

New Volunteer Co-ordinator: Claire Taylor has joined the Cathedral in the new role of Volunteer Co-ordinator. Claire’s role will include supporting our current volunteers (of which there are roughly 600!) and recruiting new volunteers. Any current or future volunteers are encouraged to contact Claire directly at or on 01522 504399.


Bible Readings

Sunday 14 October
20th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Amos 5 6-7, 10-15; Hebrews 4 12-end; Mark 10 17-31
Isaiah 50 4-10; Luke 13 22-30
Joshua 5 13-6.20; Matthew 11 20-end

Sunday 21 October
21st Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 53 4-end; Hebrews 5 1-10; Mark 10: 35-45
Isaiah 54 1-14; Luke 13 31-end
Joshua 14.6-14; Matthew 12.1-21

Sunday 28 October
Simon and Jude, Apostles

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 28: 14-16; Ephesians 2: 19-end; John 15: 17-end
Isaiah 45 18-end; Luke 6.12-16
Jeremiah 3.11-18; Jude 1-4, 17-end