Sunday 15 April to Saturday 28 April 2018

Christine Wilson, Dean   Sal McDougall, Precentor   Paul Overend, Chancellor    John Patrick, Subdean

On 12th April, 2018, Jews in the State of Israel and many elsewhere observed Yom HaShoah,“Holocaust and Heroism Remembrance Day”. This day, the 27th day of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, commemorates those Jews who perished in holocaust, and the heroism of both survivors and rescuers.

As the Western Church celebrated Easter Week this year, so the Jewish community celebrated Passover, marking the Ancient Israelites’ liberation from Egypt. At Pentecost, as Christians will celebrate the sending of the Holy Spirit, Judaism will keep Shavuot (‘The Feast of Weeks’) celebrating the Mosaic covenant and the gift of the Torah (‘Law’ or ‘Instruction’). Both contemporary Judaism and modern day Christianity have common roots in Ancient Israel’s faith. One might even say, we members of the same Abrahamic family.

Our understanding of each others’ traditions is valuable: It helps us to work together for good in our society, to work for the overcoming of religious and racial stereotyping and prejudice that has been the cause of violence and exclusion, and even helps us to understand our own covenant faith tradition.

Between 23rd April and 5th May, the cathedral is hosting the Jewish Living Experience exhibition. Designed by education experts, it is aimed primarily at school groups to support the teaching of Judaism, and enables visitors to gain an insight into Judaism as a living faith of beliefs, customs and practice. The exhibition aims to combat misconceptions and stereotypes resulting in the furthering of good community relations and the fostering of a stronger local community.

Please pray for our visitors to this exhibition and for Jews in Britain and for the Jewish community in Lincoln, that we might develop our friendship, trust, and understanding.

Paul Overend, Chancellor


The Jewish Living Experience Monday 23 April – Saturday 5 May Chapter House: A mobile travelling exhibition, and a free event included in the normal Cathedral entry charge. Aimed primarily at school groups, it enables visitors to gain an insight into Judaism as a living faith with a lifestyle that has been sustained for over 5,000 years.

Through educational materials and local community engagement, this project aims to combat misconceptions and stereotypes resulting in the furthering of good community relations and the fostering of a stronger local community.

This educational resource supports Lincoln and the surrounding areas by ensuring informed quality community relations and addresses the community.

Spiritual Classics Reading Group: A new Spiritual Classics Reading Group will meet towards the end of a month to share reflections together. The book for the April meeting will be the ‘Confessions’ of Saint Augustine. Having read the book privately, we shall discuss it on Saturday 28th April, 10:45-12:15 (followed by the midday Eucharist, for those who wish). The meeting will be at 27 Minster Yard. Teas and coffee from 10:30. For numbers, it would be helpful if you are able to if you could please let the chancellor know that you are intending to come after a service or by email:

Lincoln Cathedral Community Association: Pentecost Tea Party Tickets are now available for Lincoln Cathedral Community Association Afternoon Tea in the Cloisters on Sunday 20th May 2018 after Evensong (Pentecost Sunday). Tickets cost £3 to include cake, tea, coffee, bring your own savouries. Also bring your own wine and glasses. Tickets available from LCCA Committee Members and also Lincoln Cathedral Shop

Duke Ellington Concert Saturday 12 May 19.30 – 21.30:  A high point in the Lincolnshire Jazz Week’s programme this year will be the performance of Duke Ellington’s Sacred Music by The Royal Birmingham Conservatoire Ellington Orchestra under musical director Jeremy Price together with the Lincoln Cathedral Choir under musical director Aric Prentice also featuring Gospel Choir, soloists singer Vimala Rowe, John Turville and piano and jazz dancer Perry Louis.  Ellington’s wonderful ‘Sacred Music’ is both serious and swinging.  It is a reverent and hip body of jazz composition, written late in his career.  Tickets on sale now from £10 from the Cathedral Shop or

Evensong Guest Preachers: At our Sunday evensongs, we look forward to hearing the following guest preachers:

15th April – The Reverend Jayson Rhodes, Chaplain to the Bishop of Lincoln

22nd April (Vocations Sunday) – The Reverend David Dadswell, Bishop’s Strategic Implementation Adviser

RAF Centenary Dinner Friday 10 August 2018, 19.00 in the Nave: A black tie dinner in the Nave to mark the RAF Centenary, the dinner will be a fundraising event with a percentage of all ticket sales going to an RAF charity.  Tickets and booking forms available now on the Cathedral website


Bible Readings

Sunday 15 April                      
3rd Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist  
Acts 3:12-19; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24:36b-48
Isaiah 63:7-15; 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Deuteronomy 7:7-13; Revelation 2:1-11

Sunday 22 April                      
4th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist     
Acts 4:5-12; 1 John 3:16-end; John 10:11-18
Nehemiah 7:73b-8:12; Luke 24:25-32
Exodus 16.4-15; Revelation 2:12-17

Sunday 29 April                      
5th Sunday of Easter

Sung Eucharist  
Acts 8:26-end; 1 John 4:7-end; John 15:1-8
Daniel 3:16-28; Hebrews 11:32-12:2
Isaiah 60:1-14; Revelation 3:1-13