Sunday 16 September to Saturday 29 September 2018

Christine Wilson, Dean   Sal McDougall, Precentor   Paul Overend, Chancellor    John Patrick, Subdean      Rachel Revely, Assistant Curate


The issue of unity (or to be correct disunity) is not far from media: we have military exercises in Russia; the continuing war in Syria (and other – tragically often forgotten – conflicts elsewhere); divisions within our main political parties; and, as if we could forget, Brexit looms large with strong views on both sides of the continuing argument.

Sadly it is more human to fly apart than come together, to divide rather than to unite. Many seem to relish the opportunity of creating division rather than seeking after a common purpose.

I have always sought place at the front of my mind those simple words of prayer that Jesus offered to his Father on behalf of his disciples, “May they all be one, as we are one.” Yes, those words were offered to God on behalf of the disciples, but Jesus expresses a universal truth: people are stronger when they work together, individuals flourish when supporting others.

That raises a challenge for us as Christians to be seen to respond to our Lord’s heartfelt plea that we may “be one” just as the Father and the Son are one in the power of the Holy Spirit. St Matthew, whose feast day falls on Friday 21 September, sacrificially left all that he had to follow Jesus: may we in our own lives have the courage, whatever the cost, to work for unity within our own churches and families, within our own communities and neighbourhoods and thereby reflect the unity that God desires his creation.

John Patrick, Subdean


Helen Wood writes:  I would like to say a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and generous gifts I received on my final day as Health and Safety Adviser.  I feel truly blessed to have worked at Lincoln Cathedral for 28 years, with such fantastic colleagues who I now call friends.  I will miss you all.

Margaret Marshall – Memorial & Interment of Ashes: Sunday 16 September, 6pm at St Andrew’s Church, Potterhanworth. The memorial service will be followed with light refreshments.  Margaret, widow of Dr Marshall, Organist and Master of the Choristers [1986-1996], was a regular member of the Cathedral congregation for many years, before and after retirement. She was a member of the Choral Society and a member of several voluntary choirs which sang services in the cathedral.

Clewer Initiative Modern Slavery Summit, Friday 21st September 2018, 10am-2pm:  Join us for a morning of exploring community and pastoral responses to modern slavery and vulnerable people in rural areas. There will be space for discussion and conversation as we move towards identifying a way forward. The day will be concluded with a networking lunch. Tickets are free and can be booked at

Box of TLC: Thank you for the generous response of items of support for rough sleepers and the homeless. The Vergers are now well supplied for the present.

The Hallé 2018: The Hallé Orchestra are returning to the Cathedral on Friday 21 September under the baton of Karl-Heinz Steffens.  Tickets are now available on the Cathedral website, from the Shop or over the phone 01522 504394.

Lincoln Cathedral Consort: We are the Cathedral’s voluntary choir, a fun, friendly group of adults and young people who love to make music to a high standard in our fantastic cathedral building. We are looking for basses to join us – if you’re a bass, and you’re free on a Thursday evening, and love singing good music in beautiful spaces, you’ll fit right in!  If you would like to arrange an audition or would simply like to know more, please email Hilary Punnett (Director) at or ring her on 01522 504398.

Deputy Shop Manager Vacancy: An exciting opportunity has arisen for an ambitious and motivated individual to join the Lincoln Minster Shops team as Deputy Shop Manager. For more information please see:

Journeys of Faith: Journeys of Faith is a new guide book to encourage pilgrimages to Lincoln Cathedral and provide a unique and exciting opportunity to walk in the steps of ancient pilgrims. Separated into five legs, each journey will see participants walk, bike and take boats and buses on their modern pilgrimage, stopping at churches and communing with nature along the way. The guide book will be on sale in the Cathedral Shop in the coming weeks. A group from the Cathedral will travel the pilgrimage route between 1 – 5 October, culminating with a reception and book launch at the Cathedral 4.30pm, 5 October 2018.

Organ Extravaganza! Friday 5 October – 7pm:
A welcome comeback to the ever popular Organ Extravaganza, featuring Lincoln Cathedral’s Resident Organists, Lincoln Cathedral Choir and six organs! A selection of music for everybody. Well known items from Bach & Handel to Mozart & Wagner. This event is not ticketed so the more the merrier! There will be a retiring collection.

Handel’s Messiah Saturday 24 November – 7pm:
Following its premiere in Dublin in 1742, Messiah quickly became one of Handel’s most popular pieces of music and has been performed around the globe every year since 1945. This year, the Lincoln Cathedral Choir is returning with their performance of Handel’s Messiah, a spectacular piece of music which is to be accompanied by Lincolnshire Chamber Orchestra. Visit or visit the Cathedral Shop to book your tickets.

Ceremony of Carols, Benjamin Britten Saturday 15 December – 2pm, 7pm:
Britten’s Ceremony of Carols returns to Lincoln Cathedral for another year. A seasonal favourite as the Cathedral Choir performs Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral. With Thea Butterworth as harpist, under the direction of Jeffrey Makinson – Assistant Director of Music. The afternoon performance includes a glass of Gluhwein or squash and Christmas biscuits. The evening performance is followed by wine, canapes and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral. Tickets on sale now from the Cathedral Shop or via the Cathedral website!

The Snowman with Live Orchestra Friday 4 January, Saturday 5 January 1.30pm, 3.30pm, 7pm:
Following the success of the last two years, The Snowman is returning to the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral. This festive Christmas classic will be shown on the big screen in the Nave, lit to create a magical atmosphere. This heart-warming story will be accompanied by a live orchestra and soloists from Lincoln Cathedral Choir who will make the most of the incredible acoustics of the Cathedral. Tickets on sale now! Visit to find out more and book your tickets.

LCCA Harvest Supper will be held on Tuesday 16 October in the Chapter House, entertainment by a Ceilidh Band! Tickets are priced at £10 and will be on sale at coffee after the 9:30am service on Sundays or from the Cathedral Shop.

From the Dean of Lincoln, the Very Revd Christine Wilson: Lincoln Cathedral’s Works Manager and Clericus Fabricae, Carol Heidschuster, has left the Cathedral to seek new opportunities and challenges. Carol was Works Manager from 2003, and had worked for the Cathedral since 1988. Carol has been a good servant to Lincoln Cathedral and has developed some excellent relationships both at home and abroad. We wish her well for the future.


Bible Readings

Sunday 16 September                  
16th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist  
Isaiah 50: 4-9a; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8: 27-end
Isaiah 44: 24-45.8; Revelation 12: 1-12
Exodus 18: 13-26; Matthew 7: 1-14

Sunday 23 September                  
17th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist      
Jeremiah 11: 18-20; James 3: 13-4.3, 7-8a; Mark 9: 30-37
Isaiah 45: 9-22; Revelation 14: 1-5
Exodus 19: 10-end; Matthew 8: 23-end

Sunday 30 September                  
18th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist 
Numbers 11: 4-6, 10-16; James 5: 13-end; Mark 9: 38-end
Isaiah 48: 12-end; Luke 11: 37-end
Exodus 24; Matthew 9: 1-8