‘Our care for God’s creation’

For the past two weeks we have been hosting the installation ‘Gaia’ in
the crossing of the cathedral (and there is still a week in which you
can visit it if you have not yet had a chance to spend time in the
cathedral using it as a source for prayer and reflection). It has
provided a thought-provoking focus for reflections on both the
wonder of creation (of which we are a part), and the way in which
creation is marred by our own activity – by our failure to honour the
glory of God that is revealed in creation, and to which we are called.

It was particularly appropriate that on the Sunday before Gaia was
installed, we reflected on the beauty that we find in creation and the
ways that this beauty allows us to see the reflected glory of the God
who brought creation into being and calls it to its perfection. Again, it
was appropriate that the following Sunday drew us into the
transforming and transfiguring power of Christ’s presence – a
presence that reveals to us that which is beyond our rational thought
and daily experience, that we might see the true glory of God…

Download the Chapter letter – 18.02.24