A phoenix rising from the ashes

I was sorting through some old papers earlier this week and found a Fabric Inspection Report written six years ago by our Architect, Nick Rank, for 31 Eastgate – the 1847 Victorian Deanery. The report did not read well: speaking of a dilapidated and unloved building; the pictures within the report painted their own picture of a building in need of considerable fabric repairs.

This last week I have been taking people around that same building now recreated as the Old Deanery Visitors’ Centre and without exception people have been amazed at the transformation – it’s hard to believe that it’s the same building!

The original plan was that this last week and weekend would have marked the formal opening of the Centre but, of course, the pandemic has put a stop to any such plans and we’re now looking at the Spring of next year. It seems a little way off.

Six years ago it seemed all but impossible to bring 31 Eastgate back to life: the list of “things to do” at the end of the Inspection Report was not short! But it has been brought back to life and like a phoenix rising from the ashes something special has been recreated.

What has happened to an old building can also speak into our own individual situations and lives: that we can look to the future with hope despite the very real challenges of the present. Come to me all who are weary or heavy laden and I will give you rest, said Jesus. Comfortable words. It’s by abiding in Christ’s rest, His peace, His assurance that we can be re-created. How important it is, perhaps at this time above all, to find time – even for a moment – for recreation. We all need during these summer – holiday – months a time of recreation for body, mind and spirit.

Whatever you may be doing during these coming weeks I hope that you will find time for recreation and that by doing so you may be refreshed in body, mind and spirit.

If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!



Worship & Mission

Daily worship
Monday – Saturday
8am – Morning Prayer – St Hugh’s Shrine. Please enter via the Judgement Door
10am – 3pm – Open for private prayer and reflection
5.30pm – Evening Prayer – St Hugh’s Shrine. Please enter via the Judgement Door or follow the one-way system from the North West Door.

7.45am – Litany – St Hugh’s Shrine. Please enter via the Judgement Door
8am – Holy communion (BCP) – St Hugh’s Shrine. Please enter via the Judgement Door
9.30am – Holy Communion – Nave. Please enter via the North West Door
3.45pm – Evening Prayer – St Hugh’s Shrine. Please enter via the Judgement Door or follow the one-way system from the North West Door.

Live streaming
We understand that not everyone will be able, or wish to join us in the Cathedral for services at the moment. We will stream our 9.30am Sunday Eucharist live on our Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/Lincoln.Cathedral

Information for those attending Holy Communion
To allow us to observe social distancing and to accommodate as many households as possible, we will gather to worship in the Nave. Please enter through the North West door and follow the directions of stewards and the information signs in the Cathedral.

We encourage you to download the Order of Service each week directly onto your phone or IPad. You can find it on our website at https://lincolncathedral.com/worship-music/home-worship-resources/orders-of-service

There will be no offertory collection during services. We hope you will take the opportunity to use one of the contactless giving points or place cash offerings in the large wooden donation box at the entrance of the Cathedral.

At the administration of Communion please be directed by the stewards, use the hand sanitiser provided and observe single file, two metre distancing in the queue.



Good to Go
Lincoln Cathedral has been awarded the “Good to Go” mark by Visit Britain.

The UK-wide industry standard and consumer mark demonstrates to visitors that an organisation is following government and public health guidance in relation to COVID-19. It confirms that a risk assessment and specific processes are in place to safely open to the public.

The ‘Good To Go’ award signals to anyone wishing to visit, whether for individual prayer, worship or to take in the beauty of this magnificent building, that they can be confident that we are taking every opportunity possible to ensure their wellbeing.

Staff news
We are sad to announce the departure of Anais Bresnard from our glazing team. Anais has been at the Cathedral for three years and has been a much valued member of the team. She will be returning to her native France and continuing her career in a glazing workshop there. We wish her all the best for the future and thank her for her hard work, dedication and contribution to the conservation of the Cathedral during her time here.


Bible Readings

Sunday 19 July
Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Isaiah 44: 6-8
Romans 8: 12-25
Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Deuteronomy 30: 1-10
1 Peter 3: 8-18

Evening Prayer
1 Kings 2:10-12, 3:16-28
Acts 4: 1-22


Sunday 26 July
Seventh Sunday after Trinity

I Kings 3: 5-12
Romans 8: 26-end
Matthew 13: 31-33, 44-52

Song of Solomon 2
1 Peter 4: 7-14

Evening Prayer
1 Kings 6: 11-14, 23-end
Acts 12: 1-17


Sunday 2 August
Eighth Sunday after Trinity

Isaiah 55: 1-5
Romans 9: 1-5
Matthew 14: 13-21

Song of Solomon 5: 2-end
2 Peter 1: 1-15

Evening Prayer
1 Kings 10: 1-13
Acts 13: 1-13