I sit down to write this Chapter Letter on the Feast day of Antony of Egypt.

St. Antony took to heart and lived out the gospel charge, “If you would be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” At twenty years of age he sold all that he had and in the desert lived a simple life of manual work, charity and prayer. In the collect for the day we pray, “by [Antony’s] example may we learn to deny ourselves and to love you before all things”.

St. Antony knew what he was looking for and found it in the person of Jesus Christ. During this season of Epiphany we encounter many similar figures: The Magi, John the Baptist, the First Disciples and, at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Simeon and Anna. What they all have in common is that they find fulfilment and completion in their encounter with Jesus.

In a time of questioning and doubt, uncertainty and insecurity for many, Epiphany reveals what we are looking for – what we actually want in our innermost selves – but which we may not have recognised. Not knowing what we want, we can easily look for the wrong things in the wrong places: false gods, false philosophies and religions, turning the blessings of life – such as riches – into idols. All these things fall short: they fail to satisfy and to fill us with joy.

Epiphany reminds us that it is only finding God and gazing on him that brings total satisfaction. The God who was revealed in Christ as a gift for the whole world is worth the journeying. And the joy of encountering him is perfected when our living becomes nothing but worship.

John Patrick, Subdean


Worship and Mission


Supporting Worship and Mission
Regular giving is an important source of funding for the Worship and Mission of Lincoln Cathedral. If you would like to set up regular giving to support the Worship and Mission, or indeed any other aspect of the Cathedral, standing order forms are available from the tables in the north and south choir aisles. These can be returned to the Chapter Office by hand, or by using the freepost address at the foot of the form. Thank you for your support.

If anyone would be interested in exploring the possibility of confirmation please speak to the Subdean or email: Subdean@lincolncathedral.com

Evensong Guest Preachers
Our guest preachers at evensong over the next few weeks are as follows: 20 January, (Week of Prayer for Christian Unity) Rev. Alan Robson, Agricultural Chaplain (Methodist); 27 January The Revd Canon Penny Green, Incumbent of South Lawres and Barlings; 3 February (Candlemas) Canon Nick Buck, Vicar, St. Giles Lincoln.

Evensong Sermon Series for Lent
During Lent there will be a sermon series ‘On Christian Virtue’. It is designed to be attractive for those preparing for confirmation, considering their Christian commitments, and for any of us who wish to reflect on our own Christian living and character, before renewing our own baptismal vows at Easter.

Spiritual Classics Reading Group
This is an open group in which members read a book prior to the meeting, and discuss them together. Forthcoming discussion: 23 February, Etty Hillesum, A Life Transformed by Canon Patrick Woodhouse. 27 Minster Yard, with refreshments from 10.30am, and discussion from 10.45am -12noon.

 Book launch – The Resilient Disciple:
You are warmly invited to a book launch of this new Lent publication by The Venerable Justine Allain Chapman, The Archdeacon of Boston. It is a free event with refreshments on Tuesday 22 January 2019 4.15pm -5.15pm, during which the book will be introduced and volumes will be available.

Texts, lies and social media – Judeophobia and the Church”
Lincoln Theological network lecture, Chapter House
By The Revd Bruce D Thompson, Chair, Lincolnshire Methodist District, Author of Echoes of Contempt: A History of Judeophobia and the Christian Church. (Wipf and Stock, 2018)
Throughout his ministry Bruce has sought to develop inter-faith relations and in particular to raise awareness in the Church of religious prejudice. He is also co-founder and Chair of Methodist Friends of Judaism.
Tuesday 26 February 2019, 7pm – 8.30pm

Lectio Divina: Bible Reflection Group
The group meets every three or four weeks. The next meetings are on Saturday 19 January, then Saturday 9 February, from 4pm – 5pm at 27 Minster Yard.

Stillpoint: Finding silence in a busy world.
You are invited to 45 minutes of guided silent prayer in the Ringers’ Chapel of Lincoln Cathedral, from 9am -9.45am, on Saturday 26 January, then next on Saturday 23 February.




Choristership Celebration Evensong
A Celebration of Lincoln Cathedral Choir as the Choral Scholarships and endowments are awarded for another year. Join us at Evensong on Sunday 27 January 3.45pm.
For further details please contact the Events team on 01522 504 394 or events@lincolncathedral.com

 The Friends’ Tuesday Teatime Talks
Two to take place during February.  The first, on Tuesday 12 February, will be given by Carol Bennett and Fern Dawson from Lincoln Cathedral Connected, where they will be talking about artefacts, archaeology and audio guides in the Cathedral.  The second talk, which will take place on Tuesday 26 February, will be given by a representative from the Lincoln Street Pastors’ organisation.  Both talks, preceded by tea and coffee, (costing £3) will begin at 3.30pm, in the Cathedral Centre. All are welcome to attend what will be two most interesting and stimulating talks.

Love, Marriage and Gretna Green’
Thursday 14 February, 10.30am, Cathedral Centre, there will be a talk hosted by the Lincoln Cathedral Retired Staff and Volunteers Group. A perfect opportunity to meet former colleagues and make new friends.
Annual Membership Fee £5, guests very welcome £2.




St John Passion
Saturday 6 April, 7pm
Lincoln Cathedral Choir return with Bach St John Passion this year. Accompanied by Northern Baroque this is sure to be a spectacular way to mark this Passiontide season.

Byrd meets Bird
Wednesday 8 May, 7.30pm
A concert by the Choir of Lincoln Cathedral with a Jazz Quintet.

Magna Carta Lecture – ‘Rights and Freedoms Today’
Thursday 27 June, 7pm
For this years’ Magna Carta Lecture we welcome Shami Chakrabarti, the Shadow Attorney General and a member of the House of Lords.


Bible Readings


Sunday 20 January
Third Sunday of Epiphany

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 62: 1-5;
1 Corinthians 12: 1-11
John 2: 1-11

Isaiah 49: 1-7
Acts 16: 11-15

1 Samuel 3: 1-20
Ephesians 4: 1-16


Sunday 27 January
Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

Sung Eucharist
Nehemiah 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10;
1 Corinthians 12: 12-31a;
Luke 4: 14-21

Deuteronomy 30: 11-15;
3 John 1, 5-8

Numbers 9: 15-end;
1 Corinthians 7: 17-24


Sunday 3 February
Presentation of Christ

Sung Eucharist
Malachi 3: 1- 5;
Hebrews 2: 14- end;
Luke 2: 22-40

Exodus 13: 1-16;
Romans 12: 1-5

Haggai 2: 1-9;
John 2: 18-22