Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor


Team GB seems to be doing quite well in the Olympics! As I write we stand second in the Medal Table and with the real possibility of more medals to come before the end of the Games. Indeed, if cyclists Jason Kenny and Laura Trott – who will marry in September – were a country they would be in thirteenth place in the Medal Table! For most of us it’s a matter of admiring the skill, determination, professionalism and sheer courage of those who take part from the comfort of our front rooms. A cartoon in a national newspaper recently had two women, looking at a man watching the Olympics on the television, saying to one another, “It’s the ultimate test. He has to excel in four separate disciplines: sitting, watching, eating and drinking”.

Saint Paul used imagery from the world of sporting excellence, here challenging his listeners in Corinth,

Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it. Athletes exercise self-control in all things; they do it to receive a perishable garland, but we an imperishable one. So I do not run aimlessly, nor do I box as though beating the air (I Corinthians 9.24-26).

Corinth was the site of the Isthmian Games that dated back to the sixth century B.C., and were similar to the Olympics – as they included several different races, boxing, wrestling and some field events. As we continue to enjoy the Olympics let’s not sit too comfortably but be reminded that the qualities of discipline, training, focus and faithfulness required for those sporting events, have also to be applied to the spiritual life – running the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus.

John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean

Retro Choir Furniture – We are hoping that the first batch of furniture will be delivered to the Cathedral by the end of August, with the remainder of the furniture arriving by the end of the year.  Obviously we are very much looking forward to this significant addition to the Cathedral and grateful for people’s generosity and patience.

The Dean’s Verger writes…. Congratulations to Colin Beevers one of our volunteer Vergers who has just graduated from the Church of England Guild of Vergers Training  course, receiving a Guild Diploma with  honours.  It was a proud moment to witness the presentation at the Guild’s Congregation held on Elim International Centre Malvern, August 15th.

Community Association Autumn Walk – either 24 September or 1st October 2016

Please look at the Community Association noticeboard for details if you wish to join the Community Association’s Autumn 2016 Walk.  Please sign up no later than 10 September as we will need to confirm the final date.

Hallé Friday 23 September 2016, 7.00pm and Messiah Saturday 19 November 2016 7.30pm: For further information and to book your tickets please visit Tickets can be purchased in person through the Cathedral shop or by calling 01522 561644. The system will automatically allocate you with the best possible seats available in your chosen area, at the time of purchase. Wheelchair seating is available and can be booked by telephone on 01522 504394.

Handel’s Messiah Saturday 19 November 2016, 7.30pm:  

Join us to revel in the majesty of Handel’s Messiah performed by the Lincoln Cathedral Choir in the Nave accompanied by the Lincoln Chamber Orchestra.

Concert starts at 7.30pm. Tickets from £12. To purchase your tickets please log onto visit the Cathedral Shop or call 01522 561644


Bible Readings


Sunday 21 August                    13th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist                          Isaiah 58: 9b-end, Hebrews 12: 18-end, Luke 13: 10-17

Mattins                                                 Jonah 2, Revelation 1

Evensong                                  Isaiah 30: 8-21, 2 Corinthians 9

Sunday 28 August                    14th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist                          Proverbs 25: 6-7, Hebrews 13: 1-8; 15-16, Luke 14.1: 7-14

Mattins                                                 Jonah 3: 1-9, Revelation 3:14-22

Evensong                                  Isaiah 33:13-22, John 3: 22-36


Sunday 4 September                15th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist                          Deuteronomy 30:15-end, Philemon 1-21, Luke 14:25-33

Mattins                                     Jonah 3:10-end of 4, Revelation 8: 1-5

Evensong                                  Isaiah 43: 14-44.5, John 5: 30-end