The last Sunday of the Church year rightly reflects on Jesus crucified, risen, ascended and glorified. This Jesus is not only the judge of all creation, but our friend, brother and king. He is the one who is our hope and the source of all our life.

There is much to reflect on at this time of year and I know only too well how challenging things continue to be in the Cathedral. I want to record publicly my huge appreciation for the ministry the Subdean and Precentor exercise and the way in which they have together led the Cathedral community in recent months.

Many of you have been in touch with me to express your own appreciation of the ministry that John and Sal exercise, as well as to share your concerns about the toll that this has taken. In listening to a wide variety of people and through my conversations with the Chapter, it is clear that while the Dean continues to voluntarily step back from her ministry there is a real need for further staff to enable the smooth running of the Cathedral for an unknown period time. Accordingly it is right for me to strength the team at the Cathedral in order to support the governance and stewardship of the Cathedral as well as ensuring its continued commitment to mission and ministry is enabled to flourish.

To this end I have collated the Archdeacon of Stow and Lindsey, the Venerable Mark Steadman, to a Residentiary Canonry and appointed him to be Acting Dean. Mark will be known to many of the Cathedral Community and more widely. He brings particular gifts and skills both pastoral and organisational from which the Archdeaconry of Stow and Lindsey has benefited and which the wider Diocese saw during his tenure as Interim Diocesan Secretary.

I am sorry that it has not been possible to give greater notice of the Acting Dean’s appointment, however I know that the Cathedral Community will warmly welcome Mark. I ask you to give him your prayers, encouragement and support that together we may continue to make known the kingship of Christ and welcome him as saviour and friend into our hearts.

I continue to hold the Cathedral and all caught up in the current events very much in my prayers and I pray that you will do so as well.

The Rt Revd Dr David Court,
Bishop of Grimsby, Acting Bishop of Lincoln


Worship & Mission

Additional Christmas Services
Lincoln Cathedral will host an additional Christmas carol service on Monday 23 December. It will be identical to the service on 24 December with the same carols and readings but will mean that more people can enjoy the special atmosphere of the Cathedral at Christmas.

Also new for this year is a family Crib Service which will take place on Christmas Eve at 10.30am. Aimed at families with young children, this short 30-minute service will take place around the crib and tell the Christmas story, with plenty of chance for everyone to get involved.

Sacred Space
Once a month on a Sunday at 6.45pm
This popular service is gentle and reflective with time to wonder and explore, encouraging everyone to use all their senses; it offers a different way to experience worship at Lincoln Cathedral.

The next Sacred Space service takes place on December 15, and the theme is ‘Light in the Darkness.’

Saturday 14 December, 9am-9.45am
Led by Revd Ann Mazur, this is a time of guided silent prayer to be still and aware of the presence of God.



The Dean’s Verger Writes…
The customary Christmas Help Hamper will be situated at the west end of the Nave from the first Sunday in December ready to receive Christmas products (toiletries, in date foodstuffs hats gloves scarves etc.) for distribution via NOMAD and the Community Larder.

The Dean’s Verger Also Writes…
Christmas comes but once a year as does the appeal for help during the Christmas Market.

We seek help in four main areas of the Cathedral’s mission of hospitality; Welcoming – working with the Visitor Service Team and the general Ministry of Welcome, Stewarding – assisting the established team of Stewards who help with the smooth running of activities sacred and secular, Chapter House – supporting the Refectory Staff with the serving of refreshments in the Chapter House, General Support shadowing the Verging Team with general duties and staffing the vestry telephone.

There will be a matrix of two-hour time slots available in the Vergers Vestry from Sunday 17 November please sign up – any and all help appreciated.

Victoria and Albert: Treasures of a Royal Marriage
Following Tristram Hunt’s lecture in the Cathedral, we would encourage you to visit the exhibition ‘Victoria and Albert – Treasures of a Royal Marriage’, which is open daily in the Collection and the Usher Gallery until 5 January. It features some of the earliest treasures to be given to the V&A Museum.



Handel’s Messiah
Saturday 23 November
We welcome you once again to our popular annual performance of Handel’s Messiah performed by the Choir of Lincoln Cathedral and the Lincolnshire Chamber Orchestra, conducted by our Director of Music, Aric Prentice.
Tickets are on sale from

A Ceremony of Carols by Benjamin Britten
Saturday 14 December 2pm and 7pm
Performed by the Lincoln Cathedral Choristers and harpist Louise Thomson. Join us on for two performances of this classic, festive favourite, in the stunning Cathedral Chapter House.
2pm performance £11, £5 for children under 14
7pm performance £27 including wine, canapés and a lantern-light tour of the Cathedral.
Tickets are on sale from, by calling 01522 561658 or from the Cathedral Shop.

Carols by Candlelight
18 December 7.30pm in the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral.
Join the Lincoln Cathedral Choir and sing Seasonal Carols by Candlelight. Afterwards enjoy a mince pie and warm fruit punch This event is a popular favorite by all, book early to avoid disappointment .

Tickets – £10 Unreserved front Nave
£5  – Unreserved restricted view side aisles
For accessible seating please call the shop direct on 01522 561644

Organ Concert – La Nativité du Seigneur
Come and experience Jeffrey Makinson in concert on the grand Father Willis organ in Lincoln Cathedral.
Olivier Messiaen’s 1935 masterpiece is considered to be one of the greatest Organ compositions of all time. La Nativité du Seigneur is a Christmas tradition at Lincoln Cathedral and one not to be missed.

Wallace and Gromit In Concert; The Wrong Trousers
Saturday 4 January
Audiences will be treated to five showings of the film on a big screen in the Nave, and the 30-piece chamber orchestra will bring the soundtrack to life in spectacular fashion.


Bible Readings

Sunday 24 November
Christ the King

Sung Eucharist
Jeremiah 23: 1-6
Colossians 1: 11-20
Luke 23: 33-43

Zechariah 6: 9-end
Revelation 11: 15-18

1 Samuel 8: 4-20
John 18: 33-37


Sunday 1 December
First Sunday of Advent

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 2: 1-5
Romans 13: 11-end
Matthew 24: 36-44

Micah 4: 1-7
1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11

Isaiah 52: 1-12
Matthew 24: 15-28


Sunday 8 December
Second Sunday of Advent

Sung Eucharist
Isaiah 11:1-10
Romans 15: 4-13
Matthew 3: 1-12

Amos 7
Luke 1: 5-20

1 Kings 18: 17-39
John 1: 19-28