From the Dean:

We are delighted at the recent announcement that Canon Nick Brown is to be our new Precentor. He will be joining us on 18th December. I have invited him to introduce himself to you all.

Although I grew up in Dorset my parents met in Lincolnshire, my mother having been born not too far from the Cathedral and baptised in St Mary and St Nicholas church on Newport – so moving to Lincoln is something of a homecoming. I was lucky to have three interests which stimulated me throughout my childhood: singing as a chorister, railways, and churches. In the context of these three childhood interests, I distinctly remember one organist I met as a young boy making a somewhat weary comment that often, it was only railways that provided a common interest between organists and deans in many a cathedral close! However, I have been lucky enough to have incorporated all three into various parts of my working life – and I hope I share more in common with my new colleagues than just railways…

After reading music at Royal Holloway University of London, I combined continued ongoing academic study in church music history, some teaching and involvement in railways before concentrating my efforts on management within the railway sector; one of my happiest times was spent managing a heritage and community railway – working with a combined paid and volunteer staff of more than 500 and being paid to play with steam trains! Throughout this time I continued to be involved in church music as a conductor, singer and organist, and it was in a church choir that I met Lucy – getting married in 2003.

After training for ordination in Oxford I served my title as Assistant Curate in the Wiltshire market and garrison town of Warminster along with the nearby village of Upton Scudamore. Whilst in the Diocese of Salisbury I spent some time seconded to the Ministry Department of the diocese, and from time to time deputised for the Precentor in leading services in Salisbury Cathedral.

While we were in Warminster, our family grew with the additions of Ben (now 10) and Ollie (now 8). Ben is passionate about railways and is looking forward to building a new model railway in 2 Pottergate(!) and also likes mediaeval architecture – luckily including churches, cathedrals and castles. Ollie likes dinosaurs (and other prehistoric life), loves the family’s puppy dog (Emma) and is often seen attached to a piece of technology.

Having worked as a business analyst before Ben and Ollie’s arrivals, Lucy has built up a bookkeeping and accountancy business and serves as a member of the Advisory Council of the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, convening the Lincolnshire Branch of ICB and also chairing their Sanctions Review Board. In her spare time she ‘enjoys’ running and in the last couple of years has completed a couple of ultra marathons, including Race to the Tower in the Cotswolds.

At the beginning of 2013, we moved to Lincolnshire when I became Rector of Louth – leading the parish (and more recently deanery) through times of significant change and, more recently, challenge. It has been a joy to see the choral tradition at St James’s in Louth rekindled, and to see the church engage deeply in the local community through the work of Trinity Centre and other outreach activities. More recently, as well as being Rural Dean of Louthesk, I have served as a member of the Bishops Diocesan Council of Trustees as well contributing to the ongoing work of the Deployment Group within the ‘Resourcing a Sustainable Church’ work of the past year or so. Alongside this, I have continued to maintain an active interest in academic study – with my current research focused on the spiritual experience and theological potential of adult singers in the liturgy. I hope to write up this research over the coming couple of years as part of my work towards a PhD at the University of Durham.



Worship & Mission

Choir half term
Please note that until 1 November, our choir are on their half-term break so there will no choral evensong during this time, it will be evening prayer instead.

On Sunday 25 October there will be a cantor and organist, but no choir.

Choral evensong will resume on Tuesday 3 November.

Please remember
Sunday Eucharist moves to 10am from 1 November

Additional services
We are very pleased to share that there is further provision for Holy Communion as we re-introduce some more of our regular services.

From 1 November, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 12.30pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This will take place in the Retro Choir.

All Soul’s Day – Eucharist for the Commemoration of the faithful departed
Monday 2 November, 5.30pm
This year, due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to invite you to simply add names to a written list.
If you would like a loved one remembered on that day please email the vergers office:
Or write the details in clear handwriting on a slip of paper and post in the box that will be at the back of the Cathedral as you leave on Sunday.

St Hugh’s Day
Tuesday 17 November is a significant day in the life of the cathedral foundation as we celebrate St Hugh’s Day in this 800th year of his canonisation.

At the 5.30 Evensong we will be installing two of our new Chapter members as Lay Canons and three non-residentiary canons to join the Cathedral Foundation. Rather belatedly we will also be installing our Clericus Fabricae, Michael Sheppard.

Remembrance Sunday
10.40am, 8 November
This is by ticket only. Due to social distancing we are limited to 60 pairs of tickets.
The fairest way to do this is to conduct a draw from all the applications. If you would like to apply please place your name in an envelope and either put in the box at the back of church on Sunday or send to the Vergers Vestry by 31 October. Those that have been successful will be sent tickets by post.

Stillpoint will meet on Saturday 7 November in the retro-choir from 9am to 9.45am. Entrance via the Judgement Porch.

This is a time of guided silent prayer where we can be aware of the presence of God. By being still before God we offer up ourselves, to listen to him, to gaze at the wonder and mystery of our world, to refresh and renew ourselves in his presence. Led by Revd Ann Mazur.

Future dates for Stillpoint:
Saturday 5 December & Saturday 9 January.



Important reminder
Don’t forget that the clocks go back one hour this Sunday (25 October)

Half Term
Until 31 October, for a half-term special offer, admission to the Cathedral will be £5 for adults and free for children. There is also a free family quiz sheet which can be collected on arrival, with prize draw for a £20 Cathedral Shop voucher. Please do spread the word with family and friends.

Cathedral Shop
We are now stocking Cathedral Prayers for All by Revd Cannon Dr Ian Stockton
Formerly Canon Chancellor at Blackburn Cathedral, Ian Stockton has composed these prayers within the setting of the Anglican Church Calendar in a way that invites others to pray, read and reflect.

This is now available in the shop and online at

Amazon Smile
Did you know that if you shop with Amazon, you can support Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund at the same time.
Use this link – or make sure AmazonSmile is switch to ON in the Amazon App, and Amazon will donate to the Music Fund and help us to continue our outstanding choral tradition.

Track and Trace
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that it is a legal requirement to complete Track and Trace details when you visit the Cathedral, this includes for services.

If you are able, for the health and safety of everyone who worships in the Cathedral, please install the NHS app on your phone and scan the QR code on arrival. If you do not have the app, please ensure that you complete a paper slip and leave in the box provided.

Provide, Protect, Preserve
Lincoln Cathedral has launched an urgent fundraising appeal to secure its future as a place of worship and as an international visitor attraction, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ‘Provide, Protect, Preserve’ recovery appeal has a target of £1.5million to stabilise the Cathedral’s finances.

If you are able to do so, please consider giving to the Provide, Protect, Preserve recovery appeal. To find out more or donate to the appeal please visit:



Organ Concert series
Tickets are now on sale for our series of organ concerts
For more information and to book tickets, please follow the link to each recital. Pre-booking is essential as there will not be tickets available on the door.

7 November: Colin Walsh

20 December: La Nativité du Seigneur, Colin Walsh

Flower Festival
Tickets for Lincoln Cathedral’s Flower Festival – Vision 2021 – are now on sale.
Adult – £15
Concessions – £13.50
Group (10+) – £12.75
Under 16 – FREE

There is also a preview evening on Wednesday 28 July, where visitors can enjoy drinks and canapés whilst getting the exclusive opportunity to see the beautiful blooms on display before the event open to the public.

Visitors are also invited to a ‘Musical Meander’ on Friday 30 July which will include musical accompaniment from a selection of talented musicians and tour around the Cathedral for guests to take in the colourful arrangements.


Bible Readings

Sunday 25 October
Last Sunday after Trinity

Leviticus 19: 1-2, 15-18
1 Thessalonians 2: 1-18
Matthew 22: 34-end

Evening Prayer
Ecclesiasticus 11, 12
2 Timothy 2: 1-17


Sunday 1 November
All Saints’ Day

Revalation 7: 9-end
1 John 3: 1-3
Matthew 5: 1-12

Evening Prayer
Isaiah 65: 17-end
Hebrews 11: 32- 12: 2


Sunday 8 November
Third Sunday before Advent

Wisdom of Solomon 6: 12-16
1 Thessalonians 4: 13-end
Matthew 25: 1-13

Evening Prayer
Judges 7: 2-22
John 15: 9-17