Mark Hocknull, Chancellor   John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean   Philippa White, Succentor

I sit down to write this Chapter Letter on “Referendum Day” and by the time that this Letter is printed and read the result for better or for worse (dependent on your point of view) will be determined and known. Whatever the result there is no doubt that a great deal of effort will need to be put into the work of reconciliation and bringing people together.

The simple fact is that time passes, things are decided, the world changes and we change with it, there are ups and downs, joys and sorrows.

There’s little doubt that there are many joys that we all experience but they can so often be placed in the shadows by the challenges that we face at home and abroad, in or own communities and within our own personal lives. Those challenges cannot be ‘airbrushed’ away as if they were of no consequence; indeed, many of them can make us question our faith in God as well as in our fellow men and women.

Ultimately it’s a matter of accepting that not everything can be understood; that a God who loves us deeply – as his own children – gives us the freedom to be our own people even at the cost of ignoring his will; and that our responsibility is to try and seek his will amongst all the changes and chances of this mortal life.

In the final analysis it’s about trusting God to be God: that whatever the result of a referendum or a general election, a personal decision or one made by others that affects our lives, God’s love of us remains constant. It’s a matter of trusting in that while we were yet sinners, God was — and is — in Christ reconciling us to God and to each other. Trusting that nothing under the sun may separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Saviour.

John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean

The Subdean writes: We look forward to celebrating with those who will be ordained Deacon and Priest over the weekend 25 – 26 June, and we pray for them, their families and friends and the parishes in which they will serve.

Choral Scholars will be performing ‘Let Music be the Food of Love’ on Thursday 30 June, 1.10pm in the Chapter House.  This recital marks the 400th Anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare.  There will be a collection for the Friends of the Cathedral.

A Requiem Mass for The Reverend John Pryor, will be held on Saturday 2 July at 1.30 pm in St Hugh’s Choir.

The Succentor writes:  As part of the city-wide celebrations of the centenary of the Battle of the Somme, and to tie in with the Castle’s poppy exhibition, St John the Baptist Church Ermine will be filled with poppies during the week beginning Sunday 3rd July. Church members, local people, schools and community groups are creating poppies – knitted, crocheted, origami, tissue paper, painted… – and the cathedral community are invited to join them. Please be as creative as you like – and pass your completed poppies to the Succentor by Friday 1st July please! Whether or not you want to help fill the church with poppies, you are also invited to visit the poppy display in St John the Baptist (Sudbrooke Drive, Ermine) from Sunday 3rd July to Saturday 9th July, and in particular to the centenary service on Sunday 3rd July at 6 pm.

Tuesday 26 July – Messy Cathedral  Following on from the pilot event last year, we will be celebrating the school holidays with another Messy Cathedral event. Everyone is invited to come and enjoy a morning of craft and Messy Science activities, a celebration and for lunch, all on the theme of “Stories Jesus Told.” Messy Cathedral is church for the whole family: so please bring your children, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews, and let your friends know! If anyone would like to help out on the day or preparing beforehand, that would be brilliant (if you don’t have under-11s to bring, that would be the best way to enjoy the day!) – if that is you, please contact the Succentor ( / 01522 567004

Hallé Friday 23 September 2016, 7.00pm and Messiah Saturday 19 November 2016 7.00pm: For further information and to book your tickets please visit Tickets can be purchased in person through the Cathedral shop or by calling 01522 561644. The system will automatically allocate you with the best possible seats available in your chosen area, at the time of purchase. Wheelchair seating is available and can be booked by telephone on 01522 504394.

Bible Readings

Sunday 26 June                           5th Sunday after Trinity


Evensong                                   Genesis 27:1-40, Mark 6:1-6

Sunday 3 July                              Thomas the Apostle

Sung Eucharist                            Habakkuk 2: 1-4,  Ephesians 2: 19-end,  John 20: 24-29

Mattins                                      2 Samuel 15: 17-21,  John 11: 1-16

Evensong                                   Job 42: 1-6,  1 Peter 1: 3-12

Sunday 10 July                            7th Sunday after Trinity

Sung Eucharist                            Deuteronomy 30: 9-14,  Colossians 1: 1-14,  Luke 10: 25-37

Mattins                                      Deuteronomy 28: 1-14,  Acts: 28: 17-end

Evensong                                   Genesis 32: 9-30,  Mark 7: 1-23