In the church’s year we have now fallen into “Ordinary Time”, which can sound a little, well, ordinary! We’ve celebrated the great festivals of the church’s calendar as we’ve made our way from Advent through to Trinity Sunday, via Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week and Easter and then the joy of Ascension and the giving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Everything can seem a little ordinary after that but, of course, it’s more than that.

The title “Ordinary” here derives from the word “ordinal” as in ordinal numbers – and each Sunday is now is therefore numbered in order and the season is split into two segments. The first starts after the feast of the Baptism of the Jesus (ending Christmas) and goes to Ash Wednesday; the second segment – that we’ve just started – stretches from after Pentecost Sunday to the First Sunday of Advent.

Ordinary Time gives us time to reflect more deeply on the life of Jesus and what it means to follow him: with the help of scripture, teaching and prayer we can “join the dots”, as it were, between the life of Jesus and the life that we live today. I read this that seemed to sum things up nicely:

A bit at a time, we begin to feel the great magnet of the liturgical year draw us more and more into the one clear message: in the liturgical year we live the life of Jesus day after day until finally one day it becomes our own… we ourselves become players in the great drama of bringing the reign of God to the turmoil of the world.
(Joan Chittister)

That’s anything but ordinary!

John Patrick, Subdean


Spiritual Classics Reading Group: The Spiritual Classics Reading Group will next meet on 2 June, 10.30 refreshments, for 10.45 start, and is at 27 Minister Yard.  Our book will be The Way of a Pilgrim, which is available to buy in a number of translations or is available to buy at the Cathedral Shop or online at following spirituality reading group will be on Saturday 7th July, details of the book to be announced).

We would like to welcome Mr Stuart Welch and Mrs Barbara Buckenham into their new appointments as Deputy Guide Leaders.

Michael Belcher, the new secretary of the Cathedral Friends’ Association writes: On Saturday 16 June the Friends’ will be holding their Annual General Meeting at  2.00 pm in the Cathedral Centre and later in the day they will be attending Evensong. In the evening, at 7.00pm in the Chapter House, there will be a Harpsichord concert arranged by the Friends, given by Jeffrey Makinson on the recently refurbished Friends’ Harpsichord.  The concert will last approximately an hour and tickets will include a glass of wine or fruit juice.  This promises to be a most enjoyable evening and anybody is warmly invited to attend.  Tickets, priced £10, are available from the Friends’ Office (open every Wednesday morning), the Cathedral shop, or on the door (if there are any left!)

Organ Recital Series 2018 Join us and experience an instrument like no other: This series of concerts showcases talent from across the UK and Europe, bringing some of the greatest organists to perform on the world famous Father Willis Organ –   9 June – Franz Hauk, Ingolstadt, Germany. 23 June – Colin Walsh, Lincoln Cathedral. 7 July – Jan Vermeire, Dunkurque, France.  21 July – Phillip Rushforth, Chester Cathedral.  8 September – Wolfgang Kleber, Darmstadt, Germany.  29 September – James Lancelot, Emeritus, Durham Cathedral.  5 October – Organ Extravaganza, with Lincoln Cathedral Resident Organists and Lincoln Cathedral Choir. 16 December – Olivier Messiaen’s La Nativité du Seigneur, Colin Walsh.

The funeral of Dorothy Border RIP will take place on Friday 1 June 2018 at 12:30pm at Lincoln Crematorium.  Dorothy who has been in care for several years will be remembered as a member of the 09:30 congregation who in her time here served (at times with her late husband Peter) on the Community Association and Friends committees as well as the Sunday coffee rota.

A Memorial Service will take place in St Hugh’s Quire on Monday 4 June 2018 at 11am, to give thanks for the life of Margaret Phillips RIP, a long standing member of the cathedral community and congregation.

LCCA Summer Walk: On Saturday 14 July there will be a Summer Walk around Market Rasen. The Walk starts at Willingham Woods car park and includes woods, fields and flat terrain. The morning route of 4 miles takes us to a pub lunch in Market Rasen, and the 3 mile return leg in the afternoon gets us back to the car park. Further details will be provided nearer the date. Please make a diary note for Saturday 14 July.

Evensong Collections: Would anyone in the Community feel able to take on a regular Evensong Collection role. Collections are made Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays when there is a sung service and the money funds a chorister for a year. If so, please let me, Michaela Philp, or the Subdean know.

The Succentor’s final service at the Cathedral will be at 09.30 on Sunday 15 July 2018, more details to follow.

RAF Centenary Dinner Friday 10 August 2018, 19.00 in the Nave: A black tie dinner in the Nave to mark the RAF Centenary, the dinner will be a fundraising event with a percentage of all ticket sales going to an RAF charity.  Tickets and booking forms available now on the Cathedral website

Magna Carta Lecture 2018 – God and Caesar: On 5 July at 7pm , we are thrilled to have Baron Richard Chartres as our guest speaker for this year’s Magna Carta Lecture entitled God and Caesar. Baron Chartres is former Bishop of London, Life Peer, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order and is renowned for his engaging and witty discourse. This is an event not to be missed. Tickets are now available from and the Cathedral Gift Shop. For Accessible seats please contact the events team on or 01522 504394.

Sunday Preachers:  27th  May – Revd Canon Dr Neil Burgess, Ministry Team Leader & Ministerial Development & Review Officer,  3rd June – Revd Richard Steel, Mission Team Leader (World environment day is 5th June),  10th June –   Revd Canon Paul Noble, Rural Dean of Holland Deanery, 17th June – Revd Canon David Rowett SCP, Parish priest, The Barton upon Humber group, Rural Dean of Yarborough and 24th June – Revd Julie Wearing, Vicar of St Faith & St Martin with St Peter at Arches


Bible Readings

Sunday 27 May                        Trinity Sunday
Sung Eucharist                          Isaiah 6:1-8; Romans 8:12-17; John 3:1-17
Mattins                                     Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31; 2 Corinthians 13: [5-10], 11-end
Evensong                                  Ezekiel 1:4-10, 22-28a, Revelation 4

Sunday 3 June                          1st Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist                          Deuteronomy 5: 12-15; 2 Corinthians 4: 5-12; Mark 2: 23-3.6
Mattins                                     Deuteronomy 5: 1-21; Acts 21: 17-30a
Evensong                                  Jeremiah 5: 1-19; Romans 7: 7-end

Sunday 10 June                        2nd Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist                          Genesis 3: 8-15; 2 Corinthians 4: 13-5.1; Mark 3: 20-end
Mattins                                     Deuteronomy 6: 10-end; Acts 22: 22-23.11
Evensong                                  Jeremiah 6: 16-21; Romans 9: 1-13