Mark Hocknull, Chancellor      John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean      Philippa White, Succentor

This last week scientists provided us with further evidence that Jupiter’s icy moon Europa throws jets of water out into space – and with water there is the possibility of life, albeit it, microbial life. Another recent reminder of our wonderful universe.

Wonderful, yes, but we also accept that we human beings struggle to impose order on what is an anarchic universe. Our earth cycles through space around the sun, as it does it rotates on its own axis, and as it travels, around it spins the moon. From this inter-connected pattern of rotations – the music of the spheres, if you want – come our year, our day and our month.

But the universe is less ordered than we hope – for the earth turns around the Sun in 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 45.96768… seconds. A fact that has caused innumerable complexities for those who have invented calendars – and explains our habit of sticking in a leap year every now and then.

And yet despite the recalcitrance of the universe – we are ordered beings – and struggle to create harmony and meaning out of the confusing world we inhabit.

In the cycle of space and time – as moment succeeds moment – we mortal humans need to find meaning and order: to invest our dreams, our hopes, and our very selves with significance. And the longing of faith, is to dare to hope, that our lives and world we live in have more sense than the confusion of the reluctant universe might seem to say. For faith is a longing that seems to be fulfilled in those precious graced moments: the birth of a new child, the joy of new love, the peaceful passing of a loved friend, the exultation of the worshipping church.

And in the face of the silent, dark sky as we speed through space – faith is the dare to give yourself over to these graced moments. For in them – if you see with the eyes of faith – I believe you may encounter the passionate love of the Holy God, who emptied himself to become a human being.

As we seek meaning and purpose in what can be a confused and frightening world, I pray that each and every day we may know more deeply and truly the heavenly life of the God who makes all things new.

John Patrick, Acting Dean & Subdean

Canon Martin Pickering – It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the sudden death of Martin Pickering, Prebendary of All Saints Thorngate, member of Chapter and Chairman of the Finance Committee we are very grateful for Martin’s faithful commitment to the Cathedral and the wider community. Our prayers are with his wife Rachel and all his family at this tragic time.

Half Marathon Sunday 2 October: There will be access restrictions throughout up-hill Lincoln between 0600 & 12 noon. Access to and parking in Minster Yard will be maintained, Minster Yard South will not be a through road – vehicles will need to make a U turn to exit by the East.

10 October – Lincoln Cathedral Community Association – The AGM of the LCCA takes place on Monday 10th October, 7pm for 7.30pm, in the Cathedral Centre. This year we are not making any charge for the social part of the evening when we have invited Dr. Anne Irving to tell us more about the progress of the Cathedral Connected programme. However, the main part of the meeting is to review the work the of the Executive Committee since October 2015 and as always, we would welcome any members of the community, who are already on the Electoral Roll, to think about putting their energies and expertise to the work of the Cathedral Community. Anyone interested should contact the secretary, Margaret Campion, before mid-September to complete the necessary nomination forms.

Monday 17 October 7.00 for 7.30 in The Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre at Bishop Grosseteste University, Longdales Road, Lincoln. LN1 3DY – ‘What are the Gospels?’ an open lecture to be given by The Very Rev Richard Burridge, Dean of King’s College, London. Tickets £5.00 to include a glass of wine and parking, available from the Cathedral Shop, Unicorn Books and on the door.

26 October – HARVEST SUPPER – the Community Association are organising a Harvest Supper on Wednesday in the Chapter House. A hot meal will be served and entertainment will be provided by members of Lincolnshire Hospitals Band. Please book this date and join us – tickets will be available at the beginning of October. On behalf of LCCC Executive Committee

10 DecemberLincoln Cathedral Music Fund are hosting a performance by the Cathedral Choristers and Thea Butterworth of Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols on Saturday 10th December 2016 in the Chapter House at 2pm in the afternoon and, again in the Chapter House at 7pm in the evening. The evening performance will be followed by a Lanternlight Tour of the Cathedral. Tickets are £10 for the afternoon performance (£5 for children under 14) and £25 for the evening performance and Lanternlight Tour and will include a glass of wine and canapés. Tickets are available from the Lincoln Cathedral Box Office on 01522 561644 or

The Chapter Clerk writes: The Venerable Christine Wilson will be installed as Dean of Lincoln at 5.30pm on Saturday 22 October 2016. I know that many staff, volunteers and members of the congregation would like to come and if you do wish to be there please contact Rachel Woodward, Dean’s PA via email or Anne James, Precentor’s PA by telephone on 01522 561632. Entry will be by ticket only and tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. The deadline for replies to Rachel and Anne is Friday 7 October 2016.

New Community Card Scheme: Lincoln Cathedral is pleased to announce the launch of its Community Card scheme. The Community Card is a partnership between the Cathedral and a growing number of local businesses that offers cardholders a range of generous discounts and benefits at selected restaurants & pubs, shops & boutiques and days out across the region. The card is just £39.99 for a year and at this price, with the savings that are available, is likely to give you savings over the year. What is more, it’s a great way to support the Cathedral. To view the offers currently available or to get your card, visit and click on the community card button or telephone the Grants & Donations office on 01522 561614. Can you really afford to miss out?

Bible Readings

Sunday 2 October     19th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist Habakkuk 1: 1- 4; 2: 1-4, 2 Timothy 1: 1-14, Luke 17: 5-10
Mattins Isaiah 49 13-23, Luke 12: 1-12
Evensong Nehemiah 5: 1-13, John 9

Sunday 9 October     20th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist   2 Kings 5: 1-3, 7-15c,   2 Timothy 2: 8-15,   Luke 17: 11-19
Mattins   Isaiah 50: 4-10,   Luke 13: 22-30
Evensong   Nehemiah 6: 1-16,   John 15: 12-end

Sunday 16 October     21st Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist   Genesis 32: 22-31,   2 Timothy 3: 14-4.5,    Luke 18: 1-8
Mattins   Isaiah 54: 1-14,   Luke 13: 31-end
Evensong    Nehemiah 8: 9-end,   John 16: 1-11