Christine Wilson, Dean    Sal McDougall, Precentor    John Patrick, Subdean
Philippa White, Succentor

Many of you will be familiar with Raymond Chandler’s detective novel, ‘The Long Goodbye’. In the weeks which have passed since my installation as Precentor on 10 September, I have felt very much as though I’m engaged in a long and very lovely ‘hello’. Since that date, I have been welcomed to the Cathedral community by so many people. I’ve been reminded daily of the sheer dedication of a huge number of people who are involved not just in keeping the show on the road, but in continually going the extra mile to make our Cathedral’s life and ministry the very special thing that it is.

Saying ‘hello’ well – offering welcoming and hospitality – is something I have long valued about the Cathedral. As a Priest Vicar for the last four and a half years, I was personally very grateful for the welcome I always received on the rare occasions when I was not accompanying the Bishop to worship elsewhere in the Diocese and was able to be in the Cathedral instead. Now I find myself a part of the team who are charged with extending that welcome to others; and, as Precentor, having a particular responsibility to ensure that our liturgical life offers that same sense of welcome to all who enter this house of prayer.

Griff and I are thrilled to be joining the community here. We look forward to worshipping with you, getting to know you better, and working with you to share the good news of Christ and his love with all who enter this place.

Sal McDougall, Precentor


Ordinand in Residence– Simon Dean will be joining the Cathedral on 1st October 2017 on placement while he studies with St Mellitus College. We look forward to welcoming Simon to the Cathedral. As way of introduction Simon writes: I am really looking forward to being ordinand in residence at Lincoln Cathedral for the next two years of my ordination training. Having worked for the Diocese of Lincoln for the last 8 ½ years, latterly as the Diocesan Discipleship Officer, I have enjoyed looking out at the Cathedral from my office window. I asked for my placement to be at the Cathedral because I wanted to learn from and experience a different worship tradition to what I am used to and to explore the richness of the rhythm of life that forms part of the Cathedral. Whilst I am placed at the Cathedral (on a Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday) I will also be studying at St Mellitus College in London on a Monday and some weekends. I am looking forward to getting to know the Cathedral community and seeing what God is doing here. I am married to Mara, who is studying pharmacy at Lincoln University, and have two step children, Zak (16) and Isla (15). When I am not studying or working I enjoy cooking, watching and playing sport and watching TV box sets.

Richard III: Friday 6 October. 7pm in the Chapter House. A fundraising event in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral on Friday 6 October 2017, in aid of the Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund which helps finance scholarships for choristers in the Cathedral. Dr Williams is telling the story of Richard III before the battle of Bosworth by way of re-enactment. He tells history in a way you have never seen before. Tickets cost £25 each. Please contact

Lincoln’s Three Commons – LCCA Walk: Saturday 7 October 2017. The LCCA Autumn Walk includes parts of Lincoln’s three Commons (South, West and Cow Paddle), as well as the Arboretum, River Witham & Fosse Dyke canal and a 13th Century Monks Cell. You may see parts of Lincoln you haven’t seen before. The options are a 4 mile morning walk, or a 3 mile afternoon walk or both. Lunch will be available at a pub near Castle Square. If you’d like to join the walk please add your name on the List on the LCCA Notice Board. Any further information just ask John Harker 01526 323680.

Organ Celebration Friday 13 October. 7pm in the Nave. A free event with a retiring collection to celebrate the restoration work by Harrison and Harrison, with classics from the Lincoln Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Organists; Colin Walsh, Hilary Punnett and Jeffrey Makinson. For further information please visit
LCCA Harvest Supper, Tuesday 17th October in the Chapter House, entertainment by a Ceilidh Band! Tickets will be on sale at coffee after the 9:30am service on Sundays or from the Cathedral Shop.

Messy Cathedral returns on October 28th for a Messy Harvest Festival! As always, there will be plenty of activities for primary school age children and younger (as well as their parents!) as we look at stories from the Gospels about the good gifts God gives us. Expect scientific experiments, play dough modelling, painting and colouring and creative prayers – all followed by a shared time of worship. Bring your children, grandchildren, neighbours and friends – and if you know people who might enjoy it, please invite them! We also need helpers – you don’t need to be good at crafts but you do need to be willing to lend a hand! If you are interested in attending or helping, please get in touch with the Succentor – or 01522 567004.

Handel’s Messiah. Saturday 25 November. 7pm in the Nave. The Lincoln Cathedral Choir is returning with their performance of this incredible piece of music, accompanied by the Lincoln Chamber Orchestra. The acoustics in the Nave are perfect for such a performance where one of the most famous pieces of choral music, the Hallelujah Chorus, will shine. Tickets are priced from £18 per person. For further information please visit

Ceremony of Carols. Saturday 16 December. 2pm and 7pm performances in the Chapter House. A seasonal favourite as the Cathedral Choir performs Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols, with Thea Butterworth as harpist under the direction of Jeffrey Makinson. Performances are at 2pm and 7pm. Tickets for the 2pm performance are £10 adults and £5 for children under 14. Tickets for the 7pm performance are £25 and include drinks, canapés and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral. Tickets can be purchased from the Cathedral Shop – 01522 561644. For further information please visit

La Nativité du Seigneur. Sunday 10 December. 7pm in the Nave. The annual performance of La Nativité du Seigneur returns on Sunday 10 December 2017 , played on the world renowned Father Willis Organ and performed by Lincoln Cathedral’s own Organist Laureate, Colin Walsh. La Nativité du Seigneur is a Christmas tradition at Lincoln Cathedral and one not to be missed. Tickets are priced at £6 per person.


Bible Readings

Sunday 1 October   16th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist Ezekiel  18.1-4, 25-end;  Philippians 2.1-13;  Matthew 21.23-32
Mattins  Isaiah 48.12-21;  Luke 11.37-54
Evensong  Ezekiel 37.15-end;  1 John 2.22-end

Sunday 8 October   17th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist  Isaiah 5.1-7;  Philippians 3.4b-14;  Matthew 21.33-end
Mattins  Isaiah 49.13-23;  Luke 12.1-12
Evensong  Proverbs 2.1-11;  1 John 2.1-17

Sunday 15 October   18th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist  Deuteronomy 8. 7-18;  2 Corinthians 9.6-end;  Luke 12.16-30
Mattins  Isaiah 50.4-10;  Luke 13.22-30
Evensong  Proverbs 3.1-18;  1 John 3.1-15