Sunday 18 February to Saturday 3 March 2018

Christine Wilson, Dean   Sal McDougall, Precentor    Paul Overend, Chancellor     John Patrick, Subdean

As Lent begins, concern for social justice has been high on the agenda both here at the cathedral and in the national arena.

Our Modern Slavery Summit this weekend raises awareness of highly organised criminal gangs who exploit vulnerable people as a commodity for financial gain. It is a source of misery and suffering, hidden in plain sight, within all our communities across the UK. Part of our response is to help see this activity brought to justice and also to consider our own economic choices and the demand for cheap products and services. The Clewer Intiative website provides details of how you can “Give up slavery for Lent.”

It is great that we have finally eradicated the polystyrene cups in the cathedral and are now using biodegradable paper cups. By coincidence this comes as the Church of England has circulated a call to ditch disposable cups as part of a Lent campaign to “deliver us from the evil of plastic.”

The media has also focused on the tragic death of a rough sleeper in recent days, challenging the indifference to the plight of the homeless. Rather than giving up wine or chocolate for Lent, why not reduce your use of plastic, or support a homeless charity or do an audit of your consumer choices.

“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?  Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Isaiah 58: 6-7

Christine Wilson, Dean


Current Vacancies at Lincoln Cathedral- We are now recruiting for three positions; IT & Procurement Officer, Accounts Assistant and HR Administrator.

Coffee after the Sunday 9.30 Eucharist- a message from the LCCA Committee- We have changed the cups to ones which are recyclable. These cups are larger than the ones we used to use so we will not be filling them as full. This is partly because if we do fill them all we are likely to run out of coffee and partly because we are worried that these new cups might be a bit unstable in the holders if full. You will be getting as much coffee or tea as before- please do not ask us to fill the cup fuller! These new cups are more expensive than before so this seems a good time to remind you how the coffee and tea are paid for. The only funds we have to provide coffee, tea and biscuits are those you donate when collecting your drink. Once we have covered our costs, all surpluses go to the Nomad Trust. Please dig deep and give generously so we can maintain the level of donations despite increasing costs. We can only serve you refreshments because of the generosity of those who give up their time to prepare, serve and clear up. We are very grateful to our existing volunteers who do a great job and would welcome new volunteers to spread the load! If you could help, please ask the people on duty who can put you in touch with Janis Daly for more information.

Lent Reading and Discussion Group: Update The Cathedral is holding Lent Discussions on social issues based on the book ‘Feast or Famine: How the Gospel Challenges Austerity’. This Ekklesia lent course is edited by Simon Barrow. Priced at £6.99, it will be available from the Cathedral Shop from Friday 9th February. The sessions, hosted by the Chancellor, will be at 11-12 a.m. on the following Saturdays: 24 February, and 3, 10, 17, 24 March.

The group is expected to meet in the Longland’s Chantry if numbers permit. It would be helpful if you intend to come if you could please email the Chancellor at or let him know after a service. Please read the introduction and chapter 1 before the first meeting on 24th February.

Churches together in Lincoln & District Open Meeting Wed 28 February 7.00 for 7.30 pm St Hugh’s Hall, Monks Road. Discussion topics include: Why is it difficult to communicate faith? Do churches help or hinder with social action?‘The elephant in the room’

The first 2018 Lincoln Theological Society lecture will be held at 7.00 for 7.30 pm on the evening of Thursday 8th. March in the Robert Hardy Building, Bishop Grosseteste University. The speaker is Professor Joloyon Mitchell who is professor of Communications, Arts and Religion at the University of Edinburgh.  His theme is Passion Plays -Mysterious Revivals of Religious Drama. Tickets are available from the Cathedral Shop and at the door.

St Matthew Passion, Saturday 24 March 2018. 6:30pm in the Nave: The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral and the Lincoln Choral Society will perform J.S. Bach St Matthew Passion with guest choirs. Tickets range from £5 – £50, some tickets include the opportunity to have a private drinks and canapé reception in the Chapter House before the concert which is accompanied by a talk from the Director of Music and Mark Wilde.

Messy Cathedral Easter – Tuesday 3 April- Messy Cathedral returns for Easter. We will be celebrating Easter with a morning of craft and Messy Science activities, a celebration and lunch, telling the story of Easter and the good news of the Resurrection and sharing the joy of the Easter feast. Messy Cathedral is church for the whole family, with craft activities particularly aimed at primary school aged children: so please come along and bring your children, grandchildren, godchildren, nieces and nephews – and let your friends know! If anyone would like to help out on the day or by helping to prepare beforehand, that would be brilliant (if you don’t have under-11s to bring, that would be the best way to enjoy the day!) Please contact the Succentor ( / 01522 567004).

The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Saturday 7 April 2018. Two sittings – 10am and 1.30pm in the Nave.
A unique family event. We welcome you to join us in the Cathedral for a Mad Hatter’s tea party that will fill the Nave. You will be amazed when you step inside and find a surprise tea party box filled with yummy delights on your table. We encourage the whole family to be involved with the tea party and the creative activities which follow. Photo opportunities will be available with our guests of honour the Mad Hatter and White Rabbit. There will be the Queen of Heart’s jam tarts and of plenty tasty tea party treats. Tickets will be on sale from 10am on Monday 26 February.

RAF100 Dinner Friday 10 August 2018. 7pm in the Nave. A black tie dinner in the Nave to mark the RAF centenary; the dinner will be a fundraising event with a percentage of all ticket sales going to the IBCC. 

2018 Organ Recital Series. Saturday 5 May – Saturday 29 September. 7pm in the Nave. We are excited to announce our 2018 Organ Recital Series with performances from both local and international organists: 5 May- James O’Donnell  (Westminster Abbey), 19 May- Jeffrey Makinson (Lincoln Cathedral), 9 June- Franz Hauk  (Ingolstadt, Germany), 23 June- Colin Walsh  (Lincoln Cathedral), 7 July- Jan Vermire  (Dunkerque, Germany), 21 July- Philip Rushforth  (Chester Chathedral), 8 September- Wolfgang Kleiber  (Darmstadt, Germany), 29 September, James Lancelot  (Emeritus, Durham Cathedral).

Bible Readings

Sunday 18 February                 1st Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                         Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-end; Mark 1:9-15

Mattins                                      Exodus 34.1-10; Romans 10.8b-13

Evensong                                 Genesis 2.15-17; 3.1-7; Romans 5.12-19

Sunday 25 February                 2nd Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                         Genesis 17.1-7, 15-16; Romans 4.13-end; Mark 8.31-end

Mattins                                      Isaiah 51.1-11; Galatians 3.1-9, 23-end

Evensong                                 Genesis 12.1-9; Hebrews 11.1-3, 8-16

Sunday 4 March                       3rd Sunday of Lent

Sung Eucharist                         Exodus 20.1-17; 1 Corinthians 1.18-25; John 2.13-22

Mattins                                      Jeremiah 38; Philippians 1.1-26

Evensong                                 Exodus 5.1-6.1; Matthew 10.16-22