Christine Wilson, Dean    John Patrick, Subdean    Philippa White, Succentor

News, welcomes and a farewell.

September is traditionally a time of transition and new beginnings as schools and colleges embark on a new academic year with a fresh influx of students to compliment those returning to continue for another year.
Here at the Cathedral we too are at a time of endings and beginnings. This month Jackie Croft our Chapter Clerk and Administrator heads off to new pastures as she to take up her appointment as Cathedral Administrator at Wells. We wish Jackie every blessing for the future and offer our considerable thanks for the outstanding contribution she has made over the past three years to the life and mission of the cathedral. During her tenure great strides have been made in securing a healthy and sustainable outlook to so many aspects of our operations. In particular, we owe her a debt of gratitude for the work she undertook to negotiate new, more inclusive arrangements for the Choir and Music department which have brought about a fresh influx of enthusiastic choristers and built valuable relationships with ten local schools.

We warmly welcome Will Harrison who began this week as Interim Chapter Clerk on secondment from Edward King House until the end of the year. As a member of the Cathedral Choir Will is no stranger to us.

Our new Precentor Sal MacDougall is to be installed on 10 September at Evensong. Sal brings great gifts in liturgy and music and we look forward to welcoming her and her husband Griff to the cathedral community. Whilst I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as acting Precentor since January, I am looking forward to handing on the baton and giving proper focus to the strategic work of Dean.

With great timing the music department and choir take up residency in the new Song School in the former Precentor’s house this week. It is an exciting moment for them as they return after the summer break to larger and more accommodating premises.

Another face to welcome back is our Succentor, Philippa White who returns this Monday from maternity leave. We look forward to her ministry amongst us.

At last, the cathedral is almost back to a full team of residentiary canons and I want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the sustaining presence of our Subdean John Patrick who has worked tirelessly with great dedication during this long period of transition.

There is just one more post to fill. I am delighted to report that Chapter has approved the funding of a full-time Chancellor to contribute to education, theology and a social justice agenda here at the cathedral. We are poised and ready to recruit.

As we establish new and renewed relationships we value your prayers and give thanks for the many supportive colleagues across the cathedral community who enrich the life and mission of this sacred place.

Christine Wilson, Dean

The Loss of two congregation members
Michael Jolly of Washingborough, a long standing member of Sunday Mattins congregation died Thursday 23rd August. Michael’s funeral will take place at Washingborough Parish Church Monday 11th at 1230 followed by a reception in the village hall.
Richard Eve, a resident of Minster Yard, former Lay clerk and member of the 0930 congregation died in St Barnabas Hospice Thursday 29th August . The funeral will take place at 13:15 in the Cathedral, Monday 18th September.
We remember Michael, Richard and their families in our prayers.

Community Card – Lincoln Cathedral are pleased to announce that The New Theatre Royal Lincoln have joined the Community Card scheme. All Community Card cardholders can now enjoy the excitement of live theatre for less, with concession prices on all tickets where concessions are available. To find out more about the Community Card and where it can be used, pick up a leaflet in the Cathedral or visit the Cathedral website and search for ’Community Card’.

Artist in Residence Exhibition – Dominic Parczuk Paintings- Wednesday 6 September – Thursday 28 September. Monday – Saturday 10am – 4pm. Sunday 1pm – 3pm. Having spent a year with Lincoln Cathedral, Dominic Parczuk will be exhibiting 51 oil paintings in the Chapter House. Dominic focuses on the subject of how light and dark can create mood and has based his exhibition around this theme. Each painting represents individual moments of time where Dominic was urged and inspired to paint.

Organ Concert: Saturday 16 September – Henk Galenkamp. 7pm in the Nave. Henk is responsible for the semi-professional Cathedral Choir of Zwickau and offers highly regarded works of the standard choral-orchestral repertoire from Bach to Verdi. For further information please visit Tickets are priced at £6.

Lincoln Theological Society, Thursday 5 October, 7.00 for 7.30 in The Robert Hardy Lecture Theatre of Bishop Grosseteste University, Longdales Road, Lincoln. ” Changes in Liturgy, Preaching, Building and Governance from the Reformation to the Civil War as exemplified in St Paul’s Cathedral” by Professor Peter McCullough. Tickets £5.00 include parking and wine or juice from the Cathedral shop, Unicorn Books and On The Door.

Richard III: Friday 6 October. 7pm in the Chapter House. In aid of the Lincoln Cathedral music Fund we are organising a fundraising event in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral on Friday 6 October 2017, which helps finance scholarships for choristers in the Cathedral. Dr Williams is telling the story of Richard III before the battle of Bosworth by way of re-enactment. He tells history in a way you have never seen before and if we had all been taught this way we would be historians. Tickets cost £25 each. Please contact

Ceremony of Carols. Saturday 16 December. 2pm and 7pm performances in The Chapter House. A seasonal favourite as the Cathedral Choir performs Benjamin Britten’s Ceremony of Carols at 2pm and 7pm in the Chapter House. With Thea Butterworth as harpist under the direction of Jeffrey Makinson. The 7pm performance will include drinks, canapés and a lantern light tour of the Cathedral. 2pm performance: £10 adults and £5 for children under 14, 7pm performance – tickets are £25 and include a glass of Gluhwein or squash and Christmas biscuits. Tickets available from the Lincoln Cathedral Shop – 01522 561644For further information please visit

Bible Readings

Sunday 3 September   12th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist  Jeremiah 15.15-21;  Romans 12.9-end;  Matthew 16.21-end
Mattins  Jonah 3.1-9;  Revelation 3.14-end
Evensong  2 Kings 6.24-25,  7.3-end;  Acts 18.1-16

Sunday 10 September   13th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist  Ezekiel 33.7-11;  Romans 13-end;  Matthew 18.15-20
Mattins  Jonah 3.10-4.11;  Revelation 8.1-5
Evensong  Ezekiel 12.21-13.16;  Acts 19.1-20

Sunday 17 September   14th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist  Genesis 50.15-21;  Romans 14.1-12;  Matthew 18.21-35
Mattins  Isaiah 44.24-45.8;  Revelation 12.1-12
Evensong  Ezekiel 20.1-8, 33-44;  Acts 20.17-end