Christine Wilson, Dean    Sal McDougall, Precentor    John Patrick, Subdean
Philippa White, Succentor

For the last five years a great deal of activity, much of it unseen and unrecognised, has been going on as part of the Lincoln Cathedral Connected Project. Over those years a great deal of preparation and hard work has been put in by a large number of people and with the dawning of 2018 we shall begin to see the actual physical work commence on the West End, the North Green and the Old Deanery on Eastgate as well as the commissioning of a new floodlighting scheme. Physical foundations will begin to be put in place as a result of the detailed preparation work that has been going on over the last few years.

This is therefore an exciting time and one that many of us have been looking forward to for a long time: the culmination of a great deal of hard work and preparation.

During Advent we have been preparing The Way of the Lord in the form of the patriarchs and prophets, John the Baptist and Mary the Virgin – it has taken centuries. Now in this Epiphany season that kingdom is made visible and manifest in the person of Jesus: His baptism, and the sign at Cana of Galilee when water is turned into wine – the ordinary becomes special and God’s overflowing generosity is made visible. God’s Kingdom is made real amongst us.

In Epiphany we bear witness to Christ’s coming amongst us, the beginning of his ministry at the Jordan and his resolve to proclaim that the Kingdom of God has come amongst us.

As we look ahead to this New Year with its hopes and desires, personal fears and uncertainties, the excitement of Lincoln Cathedral Connected, let us know the assurance that God in Christ walks alongside us, and let us pray that he may give us the strength and resolve to strengthen our discipleship, and faithfully build the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.

John Patrick, Subdean


We look forward to welcoming our new Chancellor and his wife Sue to Lincoln. His installation and that of 9 other new canons will take place on Saturday 3 February 2018. The Chancellor’s first service will be on Sunday 4 February.

Bible Studies: A programme of five Bible Studies on The First Letter of Paul to the Thessalonians has been arranged for January – March 2018. Leaflets setting out the programme are available on the choir aisle tables. All are welcome. For further information contact Frederick Hackett on telephone 01522 524091.

Epiphany Carol Service, will replace Evensong on Saturday 20 January 2018 at 5.30pm.

Volunteer Thank You Party on Thursday 8 February 2018: Chapter would like to say thank you to all our volunteers for their hard work by inviting you and a guest to an informal gathering in the Nave for wine and canapes on Thursday 8 February 2018. You are welcome to join us for Evensong at 5.30pm and the party will start at 6.15pm until 8.00pm. Please RSVP to by Monday 22nd January 2018. We look forward to seeing you there!

Date for your diary – LCCA will be holding a Shrove Tuesday Party on13th February in the Chapter House. Tickets will be available shortly priced £8. Menu and entertainment to be confirmed.

The LCCA, would like to stop using disposable tablecloths for events. We can get colourful fabric cloths which are easy care for £10 each. Would you be prepared to sponsor a tablecloth for us? We need about 10, so we are looking for 10 sponsors. If you’d be prepared to help, please let June Pallister know.

St Matthew Passion, Saturday 24 March 2018. 6:30pm in the Nave: The Choir of Lincoln Cathedral and the Lincoln Choral Society will perform J.S. Bach St Matthew Passion with guest choirs. Tickets range from £5 – £50, some tickets include the opportunity to have a private drinks and canapé reception in the Chapter House before the concert which is accompanied by a talk from the Director of Music and Mark Wilde. Tickets will go on sale on Monday 8 January 2018. Ticket prices range from £5 – £50.


Bible Readings

Sunday 7 January                     Epiphany

Sung Eucharist              Isaiah 60.1-6; Ephesians 3.1-12; Matthew 2.1-12
Mattins                                     Jeremiah 31.7-14; John 1.29-34
Evensong                                  Isaiah 60.1-9; John 2.1-11

Sunday 14 January                   2nd Sunday of Epiphany

Sung Eucharist                          1 Samuel 3.1-10; Revelation 5.1-10; John 1.43-end
Mattins                                     Isaiah 62.1-5; 1 Corinthians 6.11-end
Evensong                                  Isaiah 60.9-end; Hebrews 6.17-7.10

Sunday 21 January                   3rd Sunday of Epiphany

Sung Eucharist                          Genesis 14.17-20; Revelation 19.6-10; John 2.1-11
Mattins                                     Jonah 3.1-5.10; John 3.16-21
Evensong                                  Jeremiah 3.21-4.2; Titus 2.1-8, 11-14