Christine Wilson, Dean    John Patrick, Subdean    Philippa White, Succentor

The ordination services last weekend were, as always, a great delight: it was wonderful to see seventeen people ordained as deacons and priests, gladly responding to God’s call, then to be sent out – in the power of the Holy Spirit – to seek with joy the way of God’s commandments.

The ordination retreat was led by Michael Sadgrove (former Dean of Durham) and he also preached at the services. I was struck by many of the things that Dean Sadgrove said not least his emphasis on the Christian individual’s responsibility to develop “the capacity to love” one another and how our ministry flows not from fear and insecurity but from love.

Dean Sadgrove quoted on earlier occasion about a Rabbi who asked his pupils how they could tell when it was daybreak. ‘When you see an animal, and there is enough light to tell whether it’s a fox or a dog?’ one said. ‘No’ said the teacher. ‘When you look at an orchard, and can tell the difference between an apple and a pear tree?’ said another. ‘No. Day breaks when you look at someone and know that they are your brother or your sister. Until you can do that, no matter what time of day it is, it’s always night.’

From this it flows that love is a kind of dawn, an illumination. It lights up our lives and thereby the lives of those around us.

On Tuesday 11 July, the Church commemorates Benedict of Nursia who wrote his Rule for Monks, based on his own experience of fallible people striving to live out the gospel which was to become the model for all western monasticism.

As broken and fallible people we are called to place God’s love before all else in order that, as it says in the Collect for St. Benedict’s day, we may “seek with joy the way of God’s commandments”.

John Patrick, Subdean

The Association of Friends of Lincoln Cathedral would welcome applications for the duties of Secretary of the Association. Anyone with a keen interest in the Cathedral would be welcome to apply. Please call in our office or ring us on a Wednesday morning between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon at 18a Minster Yard. Tel Lincoln 561648.

Not to be missed: Battles and Dynasties Exhibition is taking place at The Collection and Lincoln Castle, from 27th May- 3 September 2017. The exhibition forms part of the city’s remembrance of the 1217 Battle of Lincoln.
Lincoln Cathedral’s Wren Library has loaned three items of print and illustrated manuscripts to the exhibition and they are currently on display at The Collection. These three important exhibits are displayed alongside objects of national and international importance. Amongst many important exhibits the highlight is the Lincolnshire segment of the 1086 Doomsday Book which is on display next to the Cathedral’s 1215 Magna Carta in the David PJ Ross Magna Carta vault. The Cathedral is delighted to be part of this important project and hopes that people will enjoy this very important exhibition.

Mrs Christine Talbot, Chairman of the Lincoln Area Committee of The Fabric Fund Council states: Unfortunately we have had to cancel the forthcoming “Strawberry & Champagne” Evening in the Subdean’s Garden by kind permission of the Rev’d Canon John and Mrs Patrick on the evening of Friday 14th July 2017. We have not sold enough tickets to make the event viable and I apologise for any disappointment that may have been caused by this decision.

Organ Concerts – Saturday 15 July, Alessandro Bianchi, 7pm in the Nave. Italy’s Alessandro Bianchi is traveling to Lincoln Cathedral to perform on our world renound Father Willis Organ, which has recently been restored to its original condition. In 2014 the City of Cantu’, where Alessandro plays the Organ at St. Paul’s Basilica, awarded him with the title of “Honorable Citizen” for all of his work in art and culture. Do not miss this unforgettable performance. For further information and tickets please visit Tickets are priced at £6 per person.

Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical – Tuesday 22 August – Friday 1 September, 7pm in the Nave. When the Cathedral announced the follow up production to Jesus Christ Superstar was to be Jekyll and Hyde, more than a few eyebrows were raised. It was a bold choice perhaps, but absolutely in keeping with the Cathedral’s Christian purpose. Jekyll’s division of himself has a great deal in common with the apostle Paul’s description of the split in his own personality which Paul believes is common to us all. We have limited tickets available – please visit for further details and tickets. Tickets start from £22 per person.

Hallé – Saturday 9 September 2017, 7pm in the Nave. Lincoln Cathedral’s previous Organ Scholar Ryan Wigglesworth will be returning to the Cathedral to conduct the Hallé Orchestra. There will be striking solo performances from Sophie Bevan and a programme which is certain to be stunning. The Orchestra will perform Strauss: Four Last Song and Bruckner; Symphony No. 9. Tickets are priced from £12 per person. For further information and tickets please visit

The Snowman – Saturday 18 November, 5 performances – 11:30am, 1:30pm, 3:00pm, 7:00pm and 8:30pm in the Nave. After the huge success of last year’s Snowman, we are delighted to announce that it will be coming back this November with extra showing times. We welcome you to bring your family and watch this festive favourite in the Nave of the Cathedral, a truly spectacular setting. The show will be supported by a live orchestra and a soloist from the Cathedral Choir; we can promise that this will be a truly unforgettable performance and loved by the whole family. Tickets to go on sale on 1 August at 9am.

Handel’s Messiah Saturday – 25 November 2017, 7pm in the Nave. The Lincoln Cathedral Choir are returning with their performance of this incredible piece of music, accompanied by the Lincoln Chamber Orchestra in the Nave of the Cathedral. The acoustics in the Nave are perfect for such a performance where one of the most famous pieces of choral music, the Hallelujah Chorus, will shine. For further information and tickets please visit Tickets are priced from £18 per person.

Bible Readings

Sunday 9 July   4th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist   Zechariah 9.9-12;  Romans 7.15-25a;  Matthew 11.16-19, 25 end
Mattins   Deuteronomy 24.10-end;  Acts 28.1-16
Evensong   2 Samuel 2.1-11, 3.1;  Luke 18.31-19.10

Sunday 16 July   5th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist   Isaiah 55.10-13;  Romans 8.1-11;  Matthew 13.1-9, 18-23
Mattins   Deuteronomy 28.1-14;  Acts 28.17-end
Evensong   2 Samuel 7.18-end;  Luke 19.41-20.8

Sunday 23 July   6th Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist   Isaiah 44.6-8;  Romans 8:12-25;  Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43
Mattins   Deuteronomy 30.1-10;  1 Peter 3.8-18
Evensong   1 Kings 2.10-12, 3.16-end;  Acts 4.1-22