Anyone who experienced the buzz of the European Stone Festival in 2012 will be delighted to know that we have an even more exciting event planned for this June. On Friday 23 June and Saturday 24 June 2017, the Cathedral is hosting a Heritage Skills Festival, in conjunction with the City of London Livery Companies.

The aim is to showcase the historic crafts that went into the construction of the Cathedral; and those that support and enhance its daily life. Most importantly, the event will demonstrate how all of these skills are kept alive today. The Cathedral’s own staff and volunteers will be working with and alongside the Livery Companies. There will be displays, demonstrations, and hands-on have-a-go areas, with something for all ages. Inside the Cathedral there will be displays such as embroidery, glove–making, clock making, saddlery, flower arranging, stained glass, and much more. The Parish Clerks will be giving short Mystery Play performances; the Coachmen are bringing new and old vehicles; the Broderers will be working with the Cathedral Needlework team. On the East Green, there will be marquees for those Livery Companies relating to the heritage construction trades: stonemasonry; lead work and joinery.

The City of London Livery Companies comprise London’s ancient and modern trade associations, and have evolved from the very powerful medieval guilds.

The Companies were the original quality controllers, checking standards of workmanship and goods. Only the best craft workers were, and still are, admitted as members. Training apprentices was an essential part of a Livery Company’s duties, and training is still an important part of what the Livery Companies do today.

This Cathedral event is a unique opportunity to see the City of London Livery Companies sharing their skills, at the first event of its kind outside London.

The event will be open from 10.00 to 16.00 with free entry to the Cathedral on both days, and will end with a grand auction on the Saturday at 15.00 on the East Green.

Do come and join us; it will be a great day out and you may even come away with a unique purchase from the Auction.

There will also be a special Evensong on Friday 23 June at 17.30, preceded by a robed procession from Lincoln Castle to the Great West Doors.

Words by: Carol Heidschuster, Works Manager