Lincoln Cathedral is a building deeply embedded in the hearts and minds of the people of Lincoln and visitors from around the world as a holy place of worship and an architectural gem.

We welcome thousands of people to the Cathedral each year, but our current facilities need updating to offer our visitors the best possible experience. To do this, renovation and essential restoration works are currently being undertaken as part of Lincoln Cathedral Connected; a project made possible by money raised by National Lottery players and awarded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) to improve the Cathedral’s setting and visitor experience.

These works will preserve and protect the Cathedral for generations to come and will also help us to attract more visitors, which in turn helps us to continue to maintain the Cathedral.

Since contractor William Birch & Sons was appointed in October to deliver this program of work, those of you who visit or pass-by the Cathedral will see there is now activity in some of the areas immediately around the building. As we move into 2019 and with works continuing throughout the year, I’d like to give an update on the progress and schedule of works and what people can expect in the next six months.

Most importantly, we want to reassure everyone that despite the ongoing works, the Cathedral will remain open as usual.

The Parvis and Exchequergate Arch

Paving, conservation and landscaping works to the Parvis – including the grassed area at the West Front of the Cathedral – will start mid-January. This will create a more welcoming and user-friendly space in front of the Cathedral and allow step-free access into the building.

Conservation work on the 14th century Exchequergate Arch will commence around the same time as the works to the Parvis, including cleaning of stonework and replacement of eroded carvings, ensuring the grandeur of the Arch is restored.

To enable these works, scaffolding will be erected around the Arch in January and, during the summer, Minster Yard will be temporarily closed to traffic. Both Priory Gate and Pottergate will not be affected by works.

During this time there will be restricted pedestrian access around Minster Yard and parking will be temporarily suspended along the southside of the Cathedral.

Updates on the access restrictions will be posted to the Cathedral’s website and signage will be erected in the affected areas approximately two weeks prior to the works starting to help people plan their route.


The Cathedral is not only Lincoln’s brightest shining beacon, but possibly the most visible building in the UK at night. However, the Cathedral’s external lighting system hasn’t been updated since 1977 and needs to be brought up-to-date in order to do our iconic landmark justice.

Therefore, we’re thrilled that the lighting system is going to be replaced with new environmentally friendly, LED, architectural lighting. To do this, the Cathedral’s external floodlights will need to be switched off so the new system can be installed. This is due to take place in the spring.

Not being able to see the magnificent Cathedral lit up at night will be a temporary adjustment for all of us, but we must take heed in knowing that much of these works are to restore and protect the Cathedral and while the lights are out, it will be a sobering reminder of what it would be like without it.

Lincoln without the Cathedral wouldn’t be Lincoln, so we are incredibly grateful for the funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund to make these essential restoration and exciting renovation works.