November 20, 2017

St Hugh’s Day – Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson

Friday 17 November 2017 Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson St Hugh’s Day Today we...

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November 19, 2017

New Chancellor of Lincoln

The Bishop of Lincoln is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Dr Paul Overend...

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November 5, 2017

All Saints Sunday – Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson

Sunday 05 November 2017 Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson All Saints’ Sunday In the...

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October 10, 2017

The Parable of the Wicked Tenants – Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson

Sunday 8 October 2017 Sermon by The Very Reverend Christine Wilson The Parable of the Wicked...

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September 29, 2017

Chapter Letter Sunday 1 to Saturday 14 October 2017

Christine Wilson, Dean    Sal McDougall, Precentor    John Patrick, Subdean Philippa White, Succentor Many of...

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September 18, 2017

Chapter Letter Sunday 17 to Saturday 30 September 2017

Christine Wilson, Dean    Sally-Anne McDougall, Precentor    John Patrick, Subdean Philippa White, Succentor On Wednesday...

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September 11, 2017

My work experience with Lincoln Cathedral Connected

Words by: Annderley Hill This summer I have been volunteering in the Lincoln Cathedral Connected office....

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September 10, 2017

Installation of Precentor

Lincoln Cathedral welcomes new Precentor with an Installation during Evensong. On Sunday 10 September the Reverend...

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