Christine Wilson, the previous Archdeacon of Chesterfield, was installed as Dean of Lincoln at a service in the Cathedral on 22 October 2016.

A short account of the installation:

Opening with ‘Sing joyfully unto God’ by William Byrd, Organist and Master of the Choristers, 1563-1572, the scene was set for the joyous occasion which people came from far and wide to experience.

The procession entered the Nave, a huge spectacle, bringing the College of Canons, other clergy from the diocese and dignitaries into their seats.

The Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire read the patent from HM Queen Elizabeth II.

The new Dean of Lincoln was installed into her two stalls in St Hugh’s Choir and at the end of Evening Prayer was given her voice in the College of Canons; this part took place in the Chapter House.

The Dean gave her first sermon in the Cathedral using the text ‘The Kingdom of God is not of this world’, encouraging us to be counter cultural and a community living according to the radical rule of the Kingdom of God – a kingdom that is not of this world. Click here to view a full transcript of the sermon.

After the service, the Dean took time over refreshments to greet those who had joined together to welcome her to Lincoln and the county.

We pray for Christine and Alan, her husband as they begin their ministry amongst us and for the Cathedral community as it welcomes them.

O God, the strength of our life together,
bless Christine as she begins her new ministry and Alan as he supports her
Make known your will to them; give us grace to welcome them;
guide them with your wisdom and preserve them in your safe keeping;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.