The Forest Stations: Set Of 15 Postcards


The Stations of the Cross refers to a series of images depicting Jesus on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers.  The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked t...

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The Stations of the Cross refers to a series of images depicting Jesus on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers.  The stations grew out of imitations of Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem which is believed to be the actual path Jesus walked to Mount Calvary.  The object of the stations is to help the Christian faithful to make a spiritual pilgrimage through contemplation of the Passion of Christ.

In the words of William Fairbank “The forest stations are dedicated to beings of the world for whom timber plays an integral part in their lives” and it was William’s love of timber and the attraction of the timeless nature of the subject that brought him to complete the fifteen sculptures which tell the story of the traditional account of Jesus death, depicting each stage, or station, along the road to the place of crucifixion. The images are formed within the natural and carved shapes and colours of different timbers.  The Forest Stations are on semi permanent display within the Nave of Lincoln Cathedral

The Forest Stations Set of Fifteen Postcards features each of the fifteen stations with a brief description on the rear.

To find out more about William and his work visit his website at

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