Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from creation of all people in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as having the Holy Spirit within them and therefore to protect them from harm.
We follow the policies adopted by the Church of England and Diocese of Lincoln. We are committed to:
• The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children, young people and all adults;
• The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable;
• The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is “informed vigilance” as to the dangers of abuse.
Contact for safeguarding queries
The first point of contact for safeguarding queries at the Cathedral is our Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Jack Redeyoff, on safeguarding@lincoln.anglican.org or 07885 999907. A member of the team will respond as soon as they are able.
The NSPCC can be contacted on 0800 80 20 20.
A specialist national helpline (Tel 0800 80 20 20) has been set up to operate independently of the church. The Helpline is operated by the NSPCC . Anyone can use the helpline to provide information or to raise concerns regarding abuse within the Church of England context; whether they are reporting issues relating to children, adults or seeking to whistle blow about poor safeguarding practice.
The Revd Canon Nick Brown, safeguarding lead
Nick, whose main role is as Residentiary Canon and Precentor of the Cathedral, also has responsibility for overseeing safeguarding provision on behalf of the Cathedral’s Chapter (governing body). Prior to his appointment to the Cathedral, Nick was Team Rector of the Parish of Louth and Rural Dean of Louthesk, with responsibility for a wide range of parishes and church around the market town of Louth – and was also a non-residentiary member of the Cathedral Chapter before taking up his current responsibilities.
Alongside his various ministerial tasks Nick, who had varied experiences in music and in railway management before ordination, continues to maintain his interest in choral music both singing in choirs when he is able and undertaking research into the relationship between music and theology as a part-time doctoral student at the university of Durham.
As the new Strategic Lead for Safeguarding within the Chapter, Nick works closely with Adi Wootton in his role as the Cathedral’s Safeguarding Officer. These appointments are a mark of the Cathedral’s commitment to ensuring that the cathedral remains a safe place for all to visit and worship in, with the support of a safeguarding professional within the Cathedral’s organisation.
Support for survivors of abuse
Safeguarding Advocate for the Diocese of Lincoln
Gemma Marks-Good is a qualified Independent Domestic and Sexual Violence Advocate (IDSVA) employed by the Diocese of Lincoln.
The focus of her role is to offer an independent listening ear and to provide appropriate advice to people who want to notify someone about abuse they have experienced themselves, or have become aware of the abuse of others, within the church context, whether that abuse took place recently or in the past.
Gemma offers advice and support to the Bishop and his senior staff, clergy and church officers about all aspects of abuse within a church context. Her role is further defined within the Home Office guidance 2017.
You may find the following documents useful:
The following is an outline of the support that Gemma offers survivors:
- Regular and ongoing telephone contact and/or face-to-face meetings
- Helping people to gain access to support services available that address both short and long-term needs.
- Helping them to assess any risk that they and others might be facing and then helping them to develop safety and support plans that are individual to their needs.
- Helping them to understand better the church-based complaint route.
- Helping them to have their voice heard so that if their aim is to share their experience to better inform church practice or ensure better support of others, that they are heard in the right forums and their anonymity and confidentiality are protected.
- Liaison with the police – supporting a survivor if they wish to make a report of an assault to the police if that person chooses to do so.
- Helping them to understand better how the criminal justice and court process works.
- Accompanying them to any police interview, court proceeding or complaints meeting.
- Civil redress – Supporting survivors in seeking civil redress or in making a complaint through internal mechanisms that address the conduct of the person who harmed them.
- Helping them with accessing other services such as health screening and counselling.
Gemma can be contacted on: 01522 504079 or 07487 242910. Her email is: gemma.marks-good@lincoln.anglican.org
Victim Lincs
Is an independent secular support organization that puts victims at the heart of what they do. It was established by the Police and Crime Commissioner in Lincolnshire to ensure that anyone living, working or studying in Lincolnshire gets the support they need if they have been the victim of crime, regardless of whether they choose to report the crime to the police or not. They seek to ensure that victims are aware of their rights, have access to support and a say in what that support is.
As it is separate from the police Victim Lincs is not involved in the crime investigation
Support available:
Free, confidential advice and guidance either by telephone or email from a specially trained team who can provide a listening ear to talk to victims about how they are feeling
Advice on the support options available
Referral to other organisations if you feel you would like more support or to be provided with their contact details
A directory of the different support services available depending on your circumstances.
Victim Lincs can be contacted via: https://victimlincs.co.uk/ or on 01522 947510. This helpline is open from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.
Safe Spaces: an independent service supporting survivors of church-related abuse
Launched in September 2020, this service offers support to survivors of church-related abuse whether or not a report has been made. This independent service is run by the charity Victim Support and funded by the Church of England together with the Catholic Church in England and Wales and the Church in Wales. It is free to access via telephone, email or web-chat.
- Website: https://www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk/
- Tel: 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times)
- Email: safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk
- WebChat – via the Safe Spaces website
Church Safeguarding
PCR2 is a national independent review of the handling by the Church of safeguarding cases over many years. The purpose of the PCR2 is to ensure that all known cases of concerns about the behaviour of clergy and church officers towards children and vulnerable adults have been dealt with appropriately. It will also seek to identify and address those cases which have not been acted upon appropriately. It will be carried out in all parishes in all Diocese in the Church of England.
The objectives are:
- To ensure all known safeguarding cases have been appropriately identified and managed
- The needs of known survivors have been considered and supported
- All identified risks have been assessed and mitigated as far as is reasonably possible
The PCR2 was launched by the Church of England in August 2019. The Diocese of Lincoln published their Executive Summary Public Report in October 2022 as the National Safeguarding Team also published the National Report.
You can read the Diocese of Lincoln PCR2 Executive summary by following this link
You can read the National PCR2 report and find out more about the review by following this link
You can read the response of the Acting Bishop of Lincoln, the Rt Revd Stephen Conway to the publication of the PCR2 reports by following this link
The Social Care Institute for Excellence review
Please find below the link to our Safeguarding Delivery Plan 2022, which has been developed and is being delivered as a result of our SCIE Audit which took place in September 2021.
Policy for Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults
Every person has a value and dignity which comes directly from creation of male and female in God’s own image and likeness. Christians see this as fulfilled by God’s re-creation of us in Christ. Among other things this implies a duty to value all people as having the Holy Spirit within them and therefore to protect them from harm.
We are committed to:
- The care, nurture of, and respectful pastoral ministry with, all children, young people and all adults;
- The safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable;
- The establishing of safe, caring communities which provide a loving environment where there is “informed vigilance” as to the dangers of abuse
To this end:
- We will carefully select, supervise and train all those with any responsibility within the Church, in line with Safer Recruitment principles, including the use of criminal records disclosures and registration/membership of the relevant vetting and barring schemes.
- We will respond without delay to every complaint made which suggests that an adult, child or young person may have been harmed, cooperating with the police and local authority in any investigation.
- We will seek to work with anyone who has suffered abuse, developing with him or her an appropriate ministry of informed pastoral care.
- We will challenge any abuse of power, especially by anyone in a position of trust
- We will seek to offer pastoral care and support, including supervision, and referral to the proper authorities, to any member of our church community known to have offended against a child, young person or vulnerable adult.
In all these principles we will follow legislation, guidance and recognised good practice.
We follow the policies adopted by the Church of England and Diocese of Lincoln.
Please visit the Church of England website to find out more about national policy.
Should you have any concerns, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team full contact details can be found here.
Further resources
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Policy, Procedure and Process 2017
Reporting abuse and finding support
Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures Manual
Link for Harassment and stalking
Working_Together_to_Safeguard-Children 2018
Modern Slavery Helpline – 08000 121 700
Reference documents
Further information about National Church Institutions
Promoting a Safer Church policy statement 2017
Safeguarding Records Retention
Practice Guidance: Safer Recruitment 2016 policy
Responding to, assessing and managing safeguarding concerns or allegations against church officers
Safeguarding Privacy Policy
How we use your data
Lincoln Cathedral is committed to protecting the personal data you provide. This Safeguarding Privacy Policy explains what to expect and outlines the ways that we may use personal data you provide to Lincoln Cathedral.
There are several policies and procedures which support this privacy notice, these are listed in Reference Documents below.
- How is Lincoln Cathedral comprised?
- Why we collect and use your personal data
- What personal information do we collect from you?
- The lawful bases for using your information
- Who we collect from or share your information with
- Keeping your information secure
- How long do we keep your information?
- Your rights
- How to contact us
1) How is “Lincoln Cathedral” comprised?
Lincoln Cathedral is comprised of:
- The Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lincoln (Registered charity number 1207411)
- Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund (Registered charity number 1033089)
- Lincoln Cathedral Learning, Arts, Culture and Events CIO (Registered charity number 1175597)
- Lincoln Minster Shops Ltd. (Company registration number 01015279)
The above entities of Lincoln Cathedral are joint controllers determining the purposes and means of the processing of personal data as defined in UK GDPR Article 4(7).
The registered address for the above is: 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL
2) Why we collect and use your personal data
We collect and use your personal information to carry out our safeguarding responsibilities including the following activities:
- Ensuring the safety of those that work for or are employed by Lincoln Cathedral, including contractors and office holders, members of the Church of England and the public
- Investigating safeguarding allegations
- Maintaining records and case files regarding safeguarding incidents and/or investigations
- Providing training
- Providing support to individuals involved in safeguarding cases
- Providing advice to Church of England bodies regarding managing safeguarding incidents or cases
- Liaising with public, statutory and regulatory enquiries (including legal and independent reviews and inquiries), local authorities and courts and tribunals
- Being involved in litigation, dispute resolution and judicial process (including liaison with external advisers)
- Publishing resources, reports and reviews
- Undertaking research and statistical analysis
- Managing archived records for historical and research reasons, including the management and administration of access to our collections
3) What personal information do we collect from you?
The types of information we may process include:
- Personal details
- Contact information
- Family details
- Lifestyle and social circumstances
- Employment and education details
- Housing needs
We may also process “special categories” of information that may include:
- Race
- Ethnic origin
- Politics
- Religion
- Trade union membership
- Health
- Sex life or Sexual orientation
- Criminal allegations, proceedings or convictions
We may process personal information about:
- Current, retired and prospective clergy
- Employees (see wording below)
- Volunteers
- Complaints of misconduct and unlawful acts
- Individuals involved in or connected with legal claims, inquiries, reviews and dispute resolution
- Professional advisers and consultants
- Children and parents
- Individuals whose safety has been put at risk
4) The lawful basis for using your information
We may collect and use personal data as explained below.
- Legitimate interest – we may need to process your information to undertake safeguarding tasks, including doing all that we reasonably can to ensure that no-one is at risk of harm during Church of England activities.
Legitimate Interest Assessment
We have undertaken a Legitimate Interest Assessment which sets out why we have a legitimate interest.
We have a specific purpose with a defined benefit. | The consideration of matters which are brought to our attention in order that, amongst other things, we can identify any potential wrongdoing, inappropriate behaviour, or unlawful conduct, and put in place a safer way of working across the Church of England. |
The processing is necessary to achieve the defined benefit. | Unless we properly appreciate the detail of the matters to which you refer we cannot take steps to ensure that we have provided the most appropriate safeguarding response. |
The purpose is balanced against, and does not override, the interests, rights and freedoms of data subjects. | There is the risk of significant and/or serious harm to others if unsuitable individuals are appointed. This risk is greatest where allegations are not properly addressed. This is balanced against, and does not override, your interests, rights and freedoms. |
- Legal obligation – we may need to process your information in order to comply with a legal obligation, such as under the Inquiries Act 2005 which may compel us to provide personal data for the purposes of a statutory inquiry, or a referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, or an order of a court or tribunal.
- Special categories & criminal information
- Substantial public interest (protecting the public against dishonesty etc.) – we may need to process your information where necessary for the protection of members of the public generally against seriously improper conduct, and from any failures in connection with, the Church of England’s activities, or for safeguarding purposes. This lawful basis is applied in the UK only, with reference to the GDPR Article 9(2)(g), and the Data Protection Act 2018 Schedule 2, paragraph 11. For those based outside the UK in other jurisdictions, they will have to ensure that their Member State law provides similar or equivalent use of 9(2)(g).
- Legal claims – we may need to process your information where there is a legal claim, or in connection with a judicial process.
- Archiving – we may keep your information for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes or statistical purposes.
5) Who we collect from or share your information with
Where necessary (or required), we collect from or share information with:
- Legal representatives
- Parties and individuals involved in or connected with legal claims, inquiries, reviews and dispute resolution (including mediation and arbitration)
- Healthcare, social and welfare organisations or providers of health, social care or welfare services
- Educational institutions
- Governance bodies and committees
- 3rd party data processors
- Local and central government
- Both houses of parliament and members of parliament
- Regulatory and statutory bodies
- Law enforcement and prosecuting authorities
- Courts and tribunals and providers of legal services
- Members of the judiciary
- Charitable, religious and voluntary organisations
- Survey and research organisations
- Statutory, public, regulatory or other legal or independent reviews or inquiries, including any “lessons learned” reviews
Once your information has been collected by Lincoln Cathedral, it may be used by other National Church Institutions, where necessary, to provide a complete service to you, and we do this on the lawful bases listed above. It is for this reason that we link your information together, for example, to save you providing your information more than once.
Please note, your personal data will not be sent to countries outside the EEA without your consent, and with necessary safeguards. Lincoln Cathedral does do not share your information with countries outside of the UK or EEA without your consent and necessary safeguards.
6) Keeping your personal information secure
We are committed to ensuring that your personal data is secure. We limit access to data on a need to know basis and test our security practices and technologies.
Employees and temporary workers are required to follow policies and procedures and complete mandatory annual training to understand data protection and information security.
If a data breach does occur, we will do everything in our power to limit the damage. In the case of a high-risk data breach, and depending on the circumstances, we will inform you about the breach and any remedial actions to prevent any further damage. We will also inform the Information Commissioner’s Office of any qualifying data breaches.
Sending data over the internet is generally not completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is in transit. All data sent is at your own risk. We have procedures and security features in place to keep your data secure once we receive it.
We store your data securely in compliance with European law. By submitting your personal data to us, you agree to this.
7) How long do we keep your information?
There’s often a legal and/or business reason for keeping your information for a set period, as stated in our retention schedule.
8) Your rights
You have the following rights regarding your personal data, subject to exemptions:
- The right to request a copy of your personal data
- The right to rectify your data if you think it is inaccurate or incomplete
- The right to request that your data being erased, in certain circumstances
- The right to restrict processing of your data, in certain circumstances
- The right to request that we transfer your data to you or another organisation, in certain circumstances
- The right to object to our processing of your data if the process forms part of our public tasks, or is in our legitimate interests
To exercise these rights please contact the Data Protection Officer using the contact information provided below. The full data protection policy is available on request.
9) How to contact us
Please contact us if you have any questions about our safeguarding privacy policy:
By email to data@lincolncathedral.com
Or write to us at: FAO The Data Officer, The Chapter Office, 4 Priorygate, Lincoln, LN2 1PL