Fundraising Newsletter | Spring 2024

Fundraising Newsletter

Spring 2024

Welcome to the Spring 2024 edition of the Fundraising Newsletter. This is an opportunity for us to update you on the projects we have ongoing at present, as well as set the scene for future projects, and opportunities.

In this edition we are excited to present an opportunity to contribute towards the impressive installation of The Table for the Nation, as well as update you on the works taking place on the Chapter House and in the Wren Library.

We hope that you’ll find it engaging and informative, both in its content and as a tool that signposts you to information about what we are doing and ways you can engage and support heritage, music and the Cathedral.

Matthew Tarling & Amber Hardy
Lincoln Cathedral Fundraising



Table for the Nation
The Fenland Black Oak Project

A stunning 13-metre-long table, made from ancient, fossilised oak will be on display in Lincoln Cathedral from April 2024.

A stunning 13-metre-long table, made from ancient, fossilised oak will be on display in Lincoln Cathedral from April.

Created from a section of the nation’s most significant tree, a gigantic 5000-year-old Fenland Black Oak, the table is a masterpiece of craftsmanship. The Table for the Nation was installed on St George’s day, before being opened to visitors from Wednesday 24 April. It will remain in residency at Lincoln Cathedral for a year.

In 2012, the year of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, an exceptionally well-preserved section of black oak was found in a field in Norfolk – this became known as the Jubilee Oak. It is thought that the tree would have originally stood more than 55 metres tall, before falling into the peat where it lay undisturbed for 5,000 years.

The Fenland Black Oak project, led by Hamish Low, carefully dried and processed the valuable wood and worked with designers to find the best way to preserve this rare discovery. The chose a table as it allowed the wood to be kept at its full length, and to be viewed in all its glory.

The table’s residency is part of ‘Our World; God’s Creation’ – Lincoln Cathedral’s year-long celebration of sustainability, communities and the environment.

The table’s residency is part of ‘Our World; God’s Creation’ – Lincoln Cathedral’s year-long celebration of sustainability, communities and the environment.

Samantha Mellows, Director of Visitor Experience and Enterprise at Lincoln Cathedral said that the table was a unique and inspiring mix of the symbolic and the practical. “A table is an object familiar to everyone, where people come together daily to eat, have conversations and to play games or do work. But throughout our culture tables have a deeper significance – they are places where people come together to find common ground or share ideas. Here in the Cathedral we hold communion every day – a time where people gather as one, and share in the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine, as we have done for generations.

“The Table for the Nation is a celebration of the skilled craft people that have created it, a tangible piece of ancient history that visitors can touch, and an invitation for everyone to come together and spend time with others.

“I hope that over the next 12 months, many people will come together around the table to share food, stories, conversations and experiences, and that we will all come away enriched by what we have learned, the people that we have met and the sense of community that we have created.”

Samantha Mellows
Director of Visitor Experience and Enterprise

Sponsor a Seat

You can sponsor a seat at the table for £65. As a thank you, you will receive the following:

  • Recognition of your chosen name on the sponsors board and on the Table page of the Cathedral website for the duration of the installation
  • Early notification of Table events

Please click on the button below to donate and sponsor your seat.

Sponsor a seat for £65
Host your event at the Table for the Nation

The beautiful 13 metre table which comfortably seats 48 people is available for private hire.

Designed to be used, this stunning black oak table is perfect for everything from meetings to dinners, either on its own, or as part of larger events.

To learn more about hiring the table, please contact or 01522 561632.

Lesley Alexander-Kirrage
Bookings and Events Co-ordinator


Lincoln Cathedral Membership Scheme

We have recently launched new levels of our Membership Scheme. Read on to find out more.

We are delighted to introduce our enhanced range of membership options. We continue to offer three different tiers of supporter memberships – Associate, Fellow and Patron, however, these are now all available as either an Individual, Joint or Family option, meaning you can better tailor your regular support through your membership to meet your needs. We always listen to feedback from our regular supporters, and this broadening of the membership tiers is a perfect example.

If you’re not yet part of the Membership Scheme, it’s an ideal way to directly support Lincoln Cathedral either by monthly subscription, or annually. Each membership comes with a range of benefits that can be found on the Membership page of the Cathedral’s website.

Why be a member?
  • It’s an easy way to directly support Lincoln cathedral – monthly, annually or as a one-off.
  • We have 3 membership levels for you to choose from, which means you have the flexibility to select a membership that best suits your need. You can find out more about the benefits* of each membership level below, and also set up a donation plan that works for you.
  • Membership starts from a donation of just £24 per year for an Associate Individual membership, so is an ideal treat for yourself, or as a perfect gift for someone. What’s more, you can rest assured knowing that your membership donation is directly supporting the Cathedral and its work.

*all benefits are subject to availability, particularly on tours where numbers are limited for safety

Amber Hardy
Fundraising Officer

Find out more about Cathedral Membership

Thank you for our new lawnmower!

Following our last newsletter and appeal for support in buying a new lawnmower for our Facilities Team, we are delighted to say that one generous donor kindly donated to cover the full cost of purchasing a new machine.

Andy is now happily using the new lawnmower and the grass looks amazing!

Matthew Tarling
Fundraising Manager

Lincoln Cathedral Membership

Support the Cathedral with a membership

A Cathedral membership is an ideal way to directly support the Cathedral, and every membership comes with a unique suite of benefits.* For whatever reason you choose to become a member of Lincoln Cathedral, we thank you for your support and look forward to welcoming you to this great Cathedral church. We have 3 membership levels for you to choose from, which means you have the flexibility to select a membership that best suits your need. You can find out more about the benefits of each membership level below, and also set up a donation plan that works for you.

*All benefits are subject to availability.

Amber Hardy
Fundraising Officer


Lincoln Cathedral Fundraising Committees

Did you know we have committees that work hard to raise funds for Lincoln Cathedral? In this edition we’ll take a look at the Music Fund Council, with more about the Fabric Fund Council in the next edition.

Fundraising for Lincoln Cathedral is something that goes beyond what can be seen on the Cathedral’s website, the adoption scheme and memberships. Behind the scenes, Lincoln Cathedral relies on the generosity of individuals across the county and beyond who give generously of their time, experience and passion to help raise awareness of the issues, as well as raising money for the aspect of the Cathedral that means most to them. We have two very active committees, one focussed on supporting the fabric of the Cathedral (the Cathedral building), the other on supporting the music of Lincoln Cathedral. Each of these are vital in continuing the heritage and history of the Cathedral long into the future.


Music Fund Council

The Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund is responsible for providing the funds required to help sustain the tradition of musical excellence that has been long appreciated at Lincoln Cathedral. The Music Fund Council are a group of volunteers and staff who meet quarterly to discuss plans for activities and events that will help raise awareness of the exquisite music here at Lincoln, and also raise funds to help support the costs of the choir which are around £500,000 per year.

The Music Fund Council arranges a series of events, including a bi-annual summer concert, an Andrew Robson Bridge Masterclass, the annual performance in December of Benjamin Britten’s ‘A Ceremony of Carols’. To find out more about planned events in support of the Music Fund, please visit the events page on the Cathedral’s website.

If you would like to receive updates about Music Fund events, please subscribe here.

Want to get involved?

If you have a passion for Cathedral music, or would like to volunteer to help by donating your time to help with raising funds, or at events, please contact Matthew Tarling on, so that we can discuss what interests you, your skills and where you might best be able to help.

To meet our duty of care, all new volunteers will need to go through the Cathedral’s volunteer recruitment process after initial discussions. You can find out more about volunteering at Lincoln Cathedral here.

Organ Concert Series

If you enjoy organ music, you may wish to attend one of the Cathedral’s planned organ concerts for 2024. More details can be found below:

  • 25-26 June 6.30pm – David Briggs, masterclass talk and recital
    Find out more
  • 2 September 7pm – Grand Organ Festival. Peter King
    Find out more
  • 16 September 7pm – Grand Organ Festival. Ben Bloor
    Find out more
  • 14 October 7pm – Grand Organ Festival. Robert Sharpe
    Find out more
  • 28 October 7pm – Grand Organ Festival. Jeffrey Makinson
    Find out more
  • 11 November 7pm – Grand Organ Festival. Dr Colin Walsh
    Find out more
Find out more about Events


Chapter House Appeal

Project: Lincoln Cathedral Chapter House Conservation
Details: Conservation and repair of external stonework
Estimated cost: Circa £1,650,000
Duration: Summer 2021 to Spring 2025

View the Chapter House Appeal web page
Chapter House Appeal Update | Preparing for Phase Two

Phase one of the Chapter House project is now nearing its anticipated completion in the spring of 2024, from where there will be a seamless shift into phase two focussed the northern side of the Chapter House. The project thus far has been a huge success, as the Works Department stonemasons team have diligently laboured to create new ashlars (the large rectangular stone blocks) as well as detailed decorative carved stones to adorn the upper levels and pinnacles of the building. With the benefit of having the scaffold in place, the Cathedral architect and Works Department have also identified that a significant amount of additional work needing to be undertaken to the upper level, focussed on the gutter and concrete retaining ring that helps hold the walls firmly in place.

We have been incredibly fortunate to have been awarded a significant grant of £150,000.00 in May 2023 from the Garfield Weston Foundation towards phase one this project, and more recently, a grant of £35,000 from The Headley Trust for phase two.

In total we have received around £22,000.00 of project specific donations from individuals towards the Chapter House with an additional amount pledged by local Trusts and individuals. This means that although we have raised around £200,000.00 for this project, we still have a long way to go until we can cover the anticipated cost of circa £1.65milion.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported this project so far, but as you can see, we still have a long way to go, and a lot of additional funding to raise. Every pound donated really does directly help us fund this conservation and repair work.

Matthew Tarling
Fundraising Manager

Donate to the Chapter House Appeal

Above: The stonemasons have removed a stone from the Chapter House that had failed. A newly carved stone will be expertly set in the space.

Donate to the Chapter House Appeal

Above: One of the Cathedral’s conservators cleaning biological build-up from the exterior face of the stonework using the ‘therm’ cleaning system. This system uses steam mixed with a light abrasive. It gently removes biological material without damage the stonework.

Donate to the Chapter House Appeal
Have you thought about sponsoring a stonemason?

It’s a direct and satisfying way to support both heritage skills, as well as the Chapter House Appeal. It’s also an interesting gift for someone who is passionate about the Cathedral, heritage or heritage skills.

Sponsor a Stonemason for 20 minutes

Sponsor a Stonemason for 20 minutes.

Sponsor 20 minutes for £10
Sponsor a Stonemason for 40 minutes

Sponsor a Stonemason for 40 minutes.

Sponsor 40 minutes for £20
Sponsor a Stonemason for one hour

Sponsor a Stonemason for 1 hour.

Sponsor 1 hour for £30


Heritage Skills Event

14-15 June 2024

The Lincoln Cathedral Works Department are delighted to be taking part in the Heritage Skills event in Cleethorpes on 14-15 June 2024.

Lincoln Cathedral are delighted to be supporting this important regional event in North East Lincolnshire that will help raise awareness of heritage skills. The first day (Friday 14 June) is exclusively for schools, helping young people understand more about the variety of roles, and routes into training and development. The second day (Saturday 15 June) is open to the public to meet craftspeople from across the region as well as the Cathedral. There will be an opportunity to have a go at stonemasonry, so do come along and visit the festival if you are able.

The Heritage Skills event will be held at Cleethorpes Masonic Hall, 1 Kings Rd, Cleethorpes, DN35 0AJ.

Lincoln Cathedral are delighted to have been supported by the Masons Company Charitable Trust who have awarded £1,500 to cover the costs of our Works Department attending this event. Please do visit their website to find out more about the Worshipful Company of Stonemasons, and the work they do to promote the craft.

Matthew Tarling
Fundraising Manager

Visit The Worshipful Company of Stonemasons website


Wren Library Repairs

Project: Lincoln Cathedral Wren Library Ceiling
Details: Roof trusses and ceiling plasterwork repairs and enhanced digital accessibility
Estimated Cost: Expected to come in around £450,000
Duration: Spring 2022 to Autumn 2024

View the Wren Library Repairs page
Wren Library Update

The Cathedral’s team of joiners have spent a great deal of time securing the ceiling of the Wren Library. At the time of writing all but one of the cracked joists are now supported by the new steelwork that both supports the joist, as well as taking the load of the roof and distributing that to the exterior walls.

At present, we are still scoping the full extent of work that needs to be undertaken as part of this wider project, but it will likely include a new dehumidifier system to maintain the required levels of relative humidity, as well as some extensive works to the floor to remove plastic sheeting installed in the past to prevent upward ingress of moisture, as well as adding new improved insulation.

By clicking  the ‘donate’ button below, you can make a donation to this important project, helping to repair and reinstate the Wren Library both for the return of the books, but importantly enabling people to once again enjoy visiting this exquisite space.

Amber Hardy
Fundraising Officer



Thank you for your support!

If you would prefer to make a donation either generally or for any of the projects above by cheque, please send your donation to:

FAO Amber Hardy
Lincoln Cathedral Chapter Office
28 Eastgate

If you wish to donate towards a particular fund or project, make sure you include that in your correspondence to us. Please see the information below about what to make cheques payable to:


Wren Library Repairs | Cheques payable to ‘Lincoln Cathedral Library Fund’

Chapter House Appeal | Payable to ‘Lincoln Cathedral Fabric Fund’

Music | Please make cheques payable to ‘Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund’

Unrestricted Donations | Please make cheques payable to ‘The Corporate Body of Lincoln Cathedral’

Previous Editions

Winter 2023