Mission, Governance and Accounts

Lincoln Cathedral is the seat of the Bishop of Lincoln and a centre of worship and mission.

Its eminence in dignity and structure dominates both city and county. It is, therefore, a powerful religious symbol and a natural focal point for Christian aspiration and witness in the Diocese of Lincoln, as well as a source of local pride and distinction in the wider world.

Like other cathedrals, Lincoln must stand out as a workshop of creativity and a working space for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Its worship demands the highest standards in language and music, with both regular and sensibly ordered liturgy and the opportunity for the arts to find both purposeful and dignified expression.

All great churches come alive when people in their search for truth, beauty and goodness find welcome and encouragement to explore them. The cathedral as a place of pilgrimage will be vigilant to renew its hospitality and its teaching and learning as essential elements in its community life. With its high profile the cathedral is also a place where strong challenges to contemporary values can be made plain, not only by word but also by practical action and social concern.

Equally important in our divided world is the Cathedral’s example of how a mixed body of Christians can work together in harmony, as part of the wider church, in spite of all their differences in outlook and personality. Each member of the cathedral community brings particular gifts and experiences to the Foundation, and though each member of the Chapter has the responsibility to ensure that the full priestly ministry and mission of the church is expressed through the life and work of the cathedral, the contribution of the laity and congregation is equally important, and is made in an even greater number of different ways.

The Cathedral is governed by its constitution and statutes under the Cathedrals measure 2021.

Lincoln Cathedral Constitution

Lincoln Cathedral Statutes

The Cathedral Chapter is the governing body of the Cathedral directing and overseeing the administration of its affairs. It consists of the Dean and up to four Residentiary Canons, four lay people and one parish priest from the diocese, with the Chief Executive & Chapter Clerk and a Minute Secretary in attendance. Chapter, together with the College of Canons, forms the legal entity of Lincoln Cathedral. More information about the Dean and the Residentiary Canons and cathedral staff may be found on the Who’s Who section of the website.

The Chapter is supported in its work by a number of committees:
Audit and Risk Committee
Finance Committee
Fabric Fund Council
Fabric Advisory Committee
Library Advisory Committee
Music Council
Health & Safety Committee

The Bishop appoints the fifty three Canons and Prebendaries who make up the College of Canons, whose role it is to give counsel both to the Bishop and to the Chapter on any matter concerning the cathedral as the seat of the Bishop.

The Bishop himself is the Visitor of the Cathedral. More significantly the Cathedral only bears the name Cathedral because within it there is the Cathedra, or seat, of the Bishop.

The Chapter comprises:

The Dean:
The Very Revd Dr Simon Jones, Dean of Lincoln

Residentiary Canons:
The Revd Canon Dr Nick Brown
The Revd Canon Rowena King

Non-Executive Members of Chapter:
The Revd Canon Carolyn Bailey
Harvey Dowdy
Hilary Hamnett
Martin Hickerton
Amy Livingstone
Andrew Long
Mark Suthern (Senior Non-Executive Member of Chapter)
Stuart Welch

Annual report and accounts

Financial Statements 2024

Lincoln Cathedral Learning Arts Culture and Events CIO Statutory Accounts 2024

Lincoln Cathedral Music Fund Statutory Accounts 2024

Lincoln Minster Shops Limited filing accounts 2024