‘A light for all people’

As we travel through the season of Epiphany the theme of light remains
prominent in our worship. The Magi follow the light of the star to guide
them to the Christ-child (as we celebrated on 6th January), and Simeon
proclaims that Christ is the light to lighten all peoples when Christ is
presented in the Temple (which we celebrate on 2nd February). As the
days begin to gradually lengthen, the mornings become a little less
dark and the evenings a little brighter – given a sign of the spring that,
though still far off, will nonetheless come.

Whilst our focus is still firmly anchored in remembering the birth of
Christ and the light of salvation that dawns through the incarnation, we
begin to edge our thoughts toward passion of Christ and the coming
light of Easter. This will become an explicit theme at Candlemas, when
the introduction to the service reminds us that…

Download the Chapter letter – 21.01.24