stunning lincoln cathedral outside | things to do in lincoln

Things To Do In Lincoln

If you’re looking to a plan a trip to Lincoln, then you need to read this guide of things to do once you’re here!

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New Pre-Probationer Programme for Young Aspiring Choristers at Lincoln Cathedral

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General election hustings to be held at Lincoln Cathedral

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Cathedral Tower Pendant

This stunning pendant is inspired by the lead-covered pinnacles that sit atop the corners of the Central and West towers of Lincoln Cathedral and make a perfect companion to the Cathedral Tower Drop Earrings in the same collection. Once the tallest building in the world, Lincoln Cathedral’s twelve pinnacles sit on the top of three…

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Cathedral Tower Drop Earrings

Inspired by Lincoln Cathedral’s iconic architecture, the Cathedral Tower range resembles the lead-covered pinnacles which sit atop the corners of the Central and West towers. The subtle topaz-coloured stone matches that of the blue cassocks worn by choristers and clergy. The earrings each measure approx. 4.5cm in total length and come with a navy, velvet…

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